[Mono-list] Important bug fix release.

Hubert FONGARNAND informatique.internet at fiducial.fr
Tue Jun 21 05:02:37 EDT 2005

There's a major problem in this release .... :
There's problem to load MS.NET compiled assemblys when trying to load a type  
see bug #75284 #75323...
Svn Mono is unusable with MS.NET at this time!!!

Le Mardi 21 Juin 2005 07:16, Miguel de Icaza a écrit :
> Hello,
> Mono is a minor bug fix release to Mono 1.1.8, for details on
> 1.1.8 see its release notes <http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.1.8> .
> Important Bug Fixes in
> Fixed a bug in our Socket.Select implementation that was introduced in
> 1.1.8 which failed to work on read descriptors (Gonzalo).
> Fixed a long-standing deadlock in the runtime. This bug was only visible
> with heavy thread usage at startup on SMP systems but it would freeze
> certain applications (Beagle, iFolder and others). The bug has been
> finally squashed (Ben, Gonzalo).
> MacOS X and MonoPosixHelper: in Mono 1.1.8 we shipped a non-working
> Mono.Posix runtime for OSX users, this has been corrected (Geoff).
> Support code generated by latest IKVM (Zoltan).
> Extra Comppiler Support
> Support for NPTL as the default threading system: this will benefit
> Gentoo and Fedora Core 4 users (Ben).
> Workaround GCC 3.3 bugs (exposed on AMD64, but possibly other platforms)
> (Zoltan).
> Support for GCC4 has been added for SUSE 9.3+ and Fedora Core 4 users
> (Ben).
> Special thanks to Marcus Meissner for his help.
> Availability
> Source code and packages are available from:
> http://www.mono-project.com/Downloads
> <http://www.mono-project.com/Downloads>
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