VS: SV: SV: [Mono-list] Problem with Windows .NET and Mono.Security

Mauro Parra Miranda mauro@novell.com
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 14:55:52 -0600

On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 09:14 +0100, Hellan.Kim KHE wrote:
> It's just in the e-mail that the link is wrapped. I click on the
> download link "Mono Setup (includes Gtk# and XSP)" on the download page,
> but I'm not able to download anything.

from this part: 


you get the same link that you posted: 


it's dowloading nice. It takes a little bit to start the download, but
the link is valid and working (friday 25th, 3:55pm EST). 

Please just try again. 
