VS: SV: SV: [Mono-list] Problem with Windows .NET and Mono.Security

Hellan.Kim KHE KHE@kmd.dk
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 09:14:00 +0100

It's just in the e-mail that the link is wrapped. I click on the
download link "Mono Setup (includes Gtk# and XSP)" on the download page,
but I'm not able to download anything.
The file transfer box comes up and after awhile it fails with an "Can
not read" error.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Francisco T. Martinez [mailto:martinf@mfconsulting.com]=20
Sendt: 24. februar 2005 17:01
Til: Hellan.Kim KHE
Cc: mono-list@lists.ximian.com
Emne: Re: SV: SV: [Mono-list] Problem with Windows .NET and

Unfortunately, the URL did something called wrap around.  Did you notice

the begining of the next sentence?

Please try adding "in32-0.2.exe" in your browsers address bar on the=20
page displying the 404.


Hellan.Kim KHE wrote:

>The link to the Windows Installer package:
>doesn't work for me.
>Maybe I don't have access to this file?
>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>Fra: Francisco T. Martinez [mailto:martinf@mfconsulting.com]=20
>Sendt: 24. februar 2005 11:32
>Til: mono-list@lists.ximian.com
>Cc: Hellan.Kim KHE; rtanner@linfield.edu
>Emne: Re: SV: [Mono-list] Problem with Windows .NET and Mono.Security
>Please try using the Mono assembly library modules that are includede
>Mono 1.1.4.  You can obtain the installer at the official download
>Here is a link to the installer executable file:=20
> =20

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