[Mono-list] Re: mod_mono + Windows

Manel Zaera Idiarte manelzaera at yahoo.es
Wed Dec 14 15:48:30 EST 2005


I'll try to change the configuration. It was the last thing I want to 


En/na Angel Marin ha escrit:

> Oleg Deribas escribió:
>> Angel Marin wrote:
>>>> MonoApplications default "/test:c:\Archiv~1\Mono-1~1.1\lib\xsp\test"
>>> When MonoApplications is used, ':' can't be part of the path used. So 
>> Thank you. I've just got mod_mono to work also!
>> Could you please put this advice on the mod_mono-win32 page. Possibly 
>> it will save couple of hours for someone like me ;)
> Done. I mistakenly thought it was obvious as ':' is part of the syntax 
> of MonoApplications option :)
> Regards,

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