[Mono-list] PInvoke & Marshaling problem
Sun, 4 Jul 2004 14:43:25 -0500
I reported this bug a couple days ago:
On Saturday 03 July 2004 4:06 pm, Kai Reichert wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to pass an array of bytes to a method compiled in c/c++.
> The first naiv method works and looks like this :
> - ---------------------
> xx.c :
> void takeArray( unsigned char array[] ){
> /* do something useful with it */
> }
> xy.cs :
> [ DllImport(myclib.so) ]
> static extern void takeArray( byte[] array );
> byte[] array = new byte[10];
> takeArray( array );
> - --------------------------
> O.K., this one works perfectly.
> But now consider you have a c-method that takes the array as
> takeArray( const void *pointer )
> YES, it makes sense, e.g. the OpenGL method glTexImage2D.
> Since all structures are passed by reference the parameter of the method is
> just the pointer to the beginning of the structure in memory. so I only
> need a way to access this pointer.
> my aproach was the following :
> takeArray ( GCHandle.Alloc( array,
> GCHandleType.Pinned).AddrOfPinnedObject() );
> BUT this method invocation is not associated with the right piece of memory
> that the subsequent c-method gets :-)
> Yes I know that Mono has a garbage collection and there are mechanisms in
> the runtimes that copy memory from managed to unmanaged. This wouldn't be a
> problem ...
> I just want to know why it is not possible to pass
> System.IntPtr --C--> const void*
> since
> byte[] --C--> unsigned char array[]
> works ;-)
> Thx for reading boring PInvoke problems :-)
> Kai
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