[Mono-list] Closer still

John (Doc) Soliday jlsolida@gapac.com
04 Sep 2003 14:02:11 -0400

I've figured out where the first line in the stack trace is coming from
(it's the directory where mono mod-mono-server.exe was called from).  I
started in / and got '/mono' not found.  When I started in /usr/bin (the
location of mono, I got '/usr/bin/mono' not found (SEE BELOW). 
Obviously, the first time I ran this and got the error, my working
directory when I started mono was '/etc/rc.d/init.d' (probably because I
was considering modifying the httpd script to start mono prior to
starting httpd.

Now if I can figure out why it said it can't find '/usr/bin/mono', I
might make more progress.

root@tiger# which mono

Error in '/' Application
Description: Error processing request. 

Error Message: 

Stack Trace: 

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory '/usr/bin/mono' not

in <0x0017d> 00 System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor

in <0x0001a> 00 System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor

in <0x00078> 08 System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor

in <0x0003e> 00 System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator:InitParser (string)

in <0x00041> 00 System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator:GetCompiledType ()

in <0x0003d> 00 System.Web.UI.PageParser:CompileIntoType ()

in <0x0007b> 00 System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser:GetCompiledInstance

in <0x0004c> 00 System.Web.UI.PageParser:GetCompiledPageInstance

in <0x00013> 00 System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory:GetHandler

in <0x001a9> 00 System.Web.HttpApplication:CreateHttpHandler

in <0x0011f> 00 .CreateHandlerState:Execute ()

in <0x0006f> 00 .StateMachine:ExecuteState
John (Doc) Soliday
Commerce Services
(404) 652-3343