[Mono-list] Script Locations of WebUIValidation.js, SmartNav.js
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
Fri, 10 Oct 2003 21:53:32 +0200
El vie, 10-10-2003 a las 12:08, Gaurav Vaish escribió:
> > Okay. It's done now. From inside System.Web assembly you can do:
> Thanks!
> I shall submit changes to the RegisterValidatorCommonScript method by
> EOD today.
> > What's needed now?
> >
> > 1. We need someone to either write or search for some scripts that
> > provide similar functionality as those by MS
> There's huge huge code... a lot of it very specific to IE. I mean, it
> does nothing for other browsers.
> Besides, there also resides SmartNav.js for "SmartNavigation=true".
I would prefer less code that works in more browsers.
> For ASP.Net 1.0.x, there was also SmartNavIE5.js which is absent for
> ASP.Net 1.1.x.
> Also, some methodnames that I found being used, I had already put them
> in
> System.Web.UI.Utils::GetClientValidatedEvent(Page)
> and
> System.Web.UI.Utils::GetClientValidatedPostBack(Control)
> So, if we go ahead with a different function name, we'll need to change
> this as well.
> > 2. Tell me the javascript code I should have to produce from the
> > data in the page.
> Didn't get this question.
I should have to render some javascript that tells which controls
validate to which controls and so on. Ie., some init function.
> The methods in WebUIValidation.js - as name suggests - do a check for
> the values whenever a form is Submit-ed. Also, Page.IsValid is also
> determined here - in a method named ValidatorUpdateIsValid.
Anyway, we can't trust the client validation. We must do the same that
we're doing now in the server side. The javascript in the client side is
there just to same some postbacks-
> All the function names will be highly bound to the implementation in
> rendering of the forms by XSP.
> Will it be ok to borrow the names from MS? The method of concern is
> "Page_ClientValidate" (which gives a call to "ValidatorValidate",
> "ValidatorUpdateIsValid" and "ValidationSummaryOnSubmit").
> >
> > Any taker?
> For writing the JS? Umm... if no one picks up, yours sincerely can do
> the job! :-)
Ok. Try to do it compatible with most browsers, even with a reduced set
of features.