[Mono-list] .dll .exe ? - pointer in C#

Alessandro Binhara binharalista@yahoo.com.br
19 Jun 2003 10:57:00 -0300

HI Miguel ..

I see your apresentation about Mono in Brazilian Forum.. 
And you talk about a new implementatation of evolution..
not all will be re-writted in MONO, because have a
lot of code writte in C++ with pointers.. 

How you can do this?

I will be more especifical..
I can write a base aplication in C++ and use a pointer
to adress C# objects? 

The garbage collector can control my pointer in C++ ?
Or i can use a garbage coletor only on C# objects?

Em Qua, 2003-06-18 às 17:07, Miguel de Icaza escreveu:
> Hello,
> > I'll never understand why Microsoft used the .DLL extension.  Even
> > pre-dotnet dlls didn't always use .DLL (e.g. ActiveX controls use .OCX
> > and control panel applets used .CPL).
> In .NET you can mix managed and unmanaged code into the same assembly
> (Managed C++ can do this for example).  So you can actually have mixed
> assemblies, so it makes sense to reuse the "vesel" format.
> _______________________________________________
> Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com
> http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/mono-list
 Um Forte Abraço
 Alessandro de O. Binhara
 Diretor Técnico REDE SOL
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