[Mono-list] Mono on NetBSD and problems compiling corlib

Scott Aaron Bamford sab@zeekuschrist.com
Sat, 4 Jan 2003 19:19:28 +0000


On Sat, 04 Jan 2003 09:56:28 +0800
Alan Knowles <alan@akbkhome.com> wrote:

> >[1]   Trace/BPT trap (core dumped) MONO_PATH= mono ...
> >gmake: *** [../../class/lib/corlib.dll] Error 133
> >
> >I've tried upping the ulimits to the maximum etc, and using mint instead of mono.  Still the same error occurs.  FYI at the time it occurs about 150mbs of memory are being used.
> >
> worth a thought, have you got any other process limits on the machine, 
> eg. running process time, max cpu time.... - I've seen these before on 
> BSD boxes.. where that Admin didnt even realize that they where there, 
> and we spent days trying to persuade him to check that page in the manual :)

Thanks!  Running the process as the super user with all limits off did indeed solve the problem.  I've now been able to build mcs and all libs with a hacked version of 0.17, though the whole process of when to swap the libraries/runtime etc. and swapping them back was a bit of a pain, anyway, the result can then be used to do a whole build, I did have to
"touch tools/SqlSharp/w"
but thats just a make file thing, and might be related to my version of GNU make (GNU Make 3.80), I've not really looked at it properly to know.

Theres still a problem where mono/mint dump core after completing whatever they are doing, it seems to be a thread problem.  That ignored, it now compiles and works fine on NetBSD.  I'll look at sorting out the patches etc. in the nearish future, once I sort the coredump thing out.

Thanks again,
	- Scott

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  ----- sab@zeekuschrist.com ------------------------- sab@posix.org.uk -----