[Mono-list] Bug in HttpWebRequest.cs and System.Timers namespace

gustavo ggb@tid.es
14 Oct 2002 23:45:56 +0200

> Hello!
> > 1. I think there is a bug in HttpWebRequest. Line 572 should be
> > "webRequest.actualUri.PathAndQuery" instead actual
> > "webRequest.actualUri.AbsolutePath".  Without this change is imposible to do
> > HTTP GET request sending key=value pairs (like a HTML form).
> Could you mail us a patch?
Is this patch format ok?

--- HttpWebRequest.bak  2002-10-14 23:40:17.000000000 +0200
+++ HttpWebRequest.cs   2002-10-14 23:27:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
webWriter = new StreamWriter (this);

webWriter.Write (webRequest.Method + " " +
- webRequest.actualUri.AbsolutePath + " HTTP/" +
webRequest.version.ToString(2) + "\r\n");
+ webRequest.actualUri.PathAndQuery + " HTTP/" +
webRequest.version.ToString(2) + "\r\n");

foreach (string header in
webWriter.Write (header + ": " + webRequest.webHeaders[header] +

Best Regards.