[Mono-list] Testsuite for SqlByte
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 21:09:27 +0300
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SqlByteTest.cs is tested with w2k without problems.
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// SqlByteTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte
// Ville Palo (vi64pa@koti.soon.fi)
// (C) Ville Palo 2002
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
namespace MonoTests.System.Data.SqlTypes
public class SqlByteTest : TestCase {
private const string Error = " does not work correctly";
public SqlByteTest() : base ("System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte") {}
public SqlByteTest(string name) : base(name) {}
protected override void TearDown() {}
protected override void SetUp() {
public static ITest Suite {
get {
return new TestSuite(typeof(SqlString));
// Test constructor
public void TestCreate()
byte b = 29;
SqlByte TestByte = new SqlByte(b);
AssertEquals("Constructor 1 does not work correctly", (byte)29, TestByte.Value);
// Test public fields
public void TestPublicFields()
AssertEquals("MaxValue field" + Error, (SqlByte)255, SqlByte.MaxValue);
AssertEquals("MinValue field" + Error, (SqlByte)0, SqlByte.MinValue);
Assert("Null field" + Error, SqlByte.Null.IsNull);
AssertEquals("Zero field" + Error, (byte)0, SqlByte.Zero.Value);
// Test properties
public void TestProperties()
SqlByte TestByte = new SqlByte(54);
SqlByte TestByte2 = new SqlByte(1);
Assert("IsNull property" + Error, SqlByte.Null.IsNull);
AssertEquals("Value property 1" + Error, (byte)54, TestByte.Value);
AssertEquals("Value property 2" + Error, (byte)1, TestByte2.Value);
public void TestAddMethod()
SqlByte TestByte64 = new SqlByte(64);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte164 = new SqlByte(164);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
AssertEquals("AddMethod 1" + Error, (byte)64, SqlByte.Add(TestByte64, TestByte0).Value);
AssertEquals("AddMethod 2" + Error, (byte)228, SqlByte.Add(TestByte64, TestByte164).Value);
AssertEquals("AddMethod 3" + Error, (byte)164, SqlByte.Add(TestByte0, TestByte164).Value);
AssertEquals("AddMethod 4" + Error, (byte)255, SqlByte.Add(TestByte255, TestByte0).Value);
try {
SqlByte.Add(TestByte255, TestByte64);
Fail ("AddMethod 6" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("AddMethod 5" + Error, typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestBitwiseAndMethod()
SqlByte TestByte2 = new SqlByte(2);
SqlByte TestByte1 = new SqlByte(1);
SqlByte TestByte62 = new SqlByte(62);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
AssertEquals("BitwiseAnd method 1" + Error,
(byte)0, SqlByte.BitwiseAnd(TestByte2, TestByte1).Value);
AssertEquals("BitwiseAnd method 2" + Error,
(byte)0, SqlByte.BitwiseAnd(TestByte1, TestByte62).Value);
AssertEquals("BitwiseAnd method 3" + Error,
(byte)2, SqlByte.BitwiseAnd(TestByte62, TestByte2).Value);
AssertEquals("BitwiseAnd method 4" + Error,
(byte)1, SqlByte.BitwiseAnd(TestByte1, TestByte255).Value);
AssertEquals("BitwiseAnd method 5" + Error,
(byte)62, SqlByte.BitwiseAnd(TestByte62, TestByte255).Value);
public void TestBitwiseOrMethod()
SqlByte TestByte2 = new SqlByte(2);
SqlByte TestByte1 = new SqlByte(1);
SqlByte TestByte62 = new SqlByte(62);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
AssertEquals("BitwiseOr method 1" + Error,
(byte)3, SqlByte.BitwiseOr(TestByte2, TestByte1).Value);
AssertEquals("BitwiseOr method 2" + Error,
(byte)63, SqlByte.BitwiseOr(TestByte1, TestByte62).Value);
AssertEquals("BitwiseOr method 3" + Error,
(byte)62, SqlByte.BitwiseOr(TestByte62, TestByte2).Value);
AssertEquals("BitwiseOr method 4" + Error,
(byte)255, SqlByte.BitwiseOr(TestByte1, TestByte255).Value);
AssertEquals("BitwiseOr method 5" + Error,
(byte)255, SqlByte.BitwiseOr(TestByte62, TestByte255).Value);
public void TestCompareTo()
SqlByte TestByte13 = new SqlByte(13);
SqlByte TestByte10 = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte10II = new SqlByte(10);
SqlString TestString = new SqlString("This is a test");
Assert("CompareTo method 1" + Error, TestByte13.CompareTo(TestByte10) > 0);
Assert("CompareTo method 2" + Error, TestByte10.CompareTo(TestByte13) < 0);
Assert("CompareTo method 3" + Error, TestByte10.CompareTo(TestByte10II) == 0);
try {
Fail("CompareTo method 4" + Error);
} catch(Exception e) {
AssertEquals("Parse method 5" + Error, typeof(ArgumentException), e.GetType());
public void TestDivideMethod()
SqlByte TestByte13 = new SqlByte(13);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte2 = new SqlByte(2);
SqlByte TestByte180 = new SqlByte(180);
SqlByte TestByte3 = new SqlByte(3);
AssertEquals("Divide method 1" + Error,
(byte)6, SqlByte.Divide(TestByte13, TestByte2).Value);
AssertEquals("Divide method 2" + Error,
(byte)90, SqlByte.Divide(TestByte180, TestByte2).Value);
AssertEquals("Divide method 3" + Error,
(byte)60, SqlByte.Divide(TestByte180, TestByte3).Value);
AssertEquals("Divide method 4" + Error,
(byte)0, SqlByte.Divide(TestByte13, TestByte180).Value);
AssertEquals("Divide method 5" + Error,
(byte)0, SqlByte.Divide(TestByte13, TestByte180).Value);
try {
SqlByte.Divide(TestByte13, TestByte0);
Fail ("Divide method 6" + Error);
} catch(Exception e) {
AssertEquals("DivideByZeroException", typeof(DivideByZeroException), e.GetType());
public void TestEqualsMethod()
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte158 = new SqlByte(158);
SqlByte TestByte180 = new SqlByte(180);
SqlByte TestByte180II = new SqlByte(180);
Assert("Equals method 1" + Error, !TestByte0.Equals(TestByte158));
Assert("Equals method 2" + Error, !TestByte158.Equals(TestByte180));
Assert("Equals method 3" + Error, !TestByte180.Equals(new SqlString("TEST")));
Assert("Equals method 4" + Error, TestByte180.Equals(TestByte180II));
public void TestStaticEqualsMethod()
SqlByte TestByte34 = new SqlByte(34);
SqlByte TestByte34II = new SqlByte(34);
SqlByte TestByte15 = new SqlByte(15);
Assert("static Equals method 1" + Error, SqlByte.Equals(TestByte34, TestByte34II).Value);
Assert("static Equals method 2" + Error, !SqlByte.Equals(TestByte34, TestByte15).Value);
Assert("static Equals method 3" + Error, !SqlByte.Equals(TestByte15, TestByte34II).Value);
public void TestGetHashCode()
SqlByte TestByte15 = new SqlByte(15);
SqlByte TestByte216 = new SqlByte(216);
AssertEquals("GetHashCode method 1" + Error, 15, TestByte15.GetHashCode());
AssertEquals("GetHashCode method 2" + Error, 216, TestByte216.GetHashCode());
public void TestGetType()
SqlByte TestByte = new SqlByte(84);
AssertEquals("GetType method" + Error,
"System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte", TestByte.GetType().ToString());
public void TestGreaterThan()
SqlByte TestByte10 = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte10II = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte110 = new SqlByte(110);
Assert("GreaterThan method 1" + Error, !SqlByte.GreaterThan(TestByte10, TestByte110).Value);
Assert("GreaterThan method 2" + Error, SqlByte.GreaterThan(TestByte110, TestByte10).Value);
Assert("GreaterThan method 3" + Error, !SqlByte.GreaterThan(TestByte10II, TestByte10).Value);
public void TestGreaterThanOrEqual()
SqlByte TestByte10 = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte10II = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte110 = new SqlByte(110);
Assert("GreaterThanOrEqual method 1" + Error,
!SqlByte.GreaterThanOrEqual(TestByte10, TestByte110).Value);
Assert("GreaterThanOrEqual method 2" + Error,
SqlByte.GreaterThanOrEqual(TestByte110, TestByte10).Value);
Assert("GreaterThanOrEqual method 3" + Error,
SqlByte.GreaterThanOrEqual(TestByte10II, TestByte10).Value);
public void TestLessThan()
SqlByte TestByte10 = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte10II = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte110 = new SqlByte(110);
Assert("LessThan method 1" + Error,
SqlByte.LessThan(TestByte10, TestByte110).Value);
Assert("LessThan method 2" + Error,
!SqlByte.LessThan(TestByte110, TestByte10).Value);
Assert("LessThan method 3" + Error,
!SqlByte.LessThan(TestByte10II, TestByte10).Value);
public void TestLessThanOrEqual()
SqlByte TestByte10 = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte10II = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte110 = new SqlByte(110);
Assert("LessThanOrEqual method 1" + Error,
SqlByte.LessThanOrEqual(TestByte10, TestByte110).Value);
Assert("LessThanOrEqual method 2" + Error,
!SqlByte.LessThanOrEqual(TestByte110, TestByte10).Value);
Assert("LessThanOrEqual method 3" + Error,
SqlByte.LessThanOrEqual(TestByte10II, TestByte10).Value);
Assert("LessThanOrEqual method 4" + Error,
SqlByte.LessThanOrEqual(TestByte10II, SqlByte.Null).IsNull);
public void TestMod()
SqlByte TestByte132 = new SqlByte(132);
SqlByte TestByte10 = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte200 = new SqlByte(200);
AssertEquals("Mod method 1" + Error, (SqlByte)2, SqlByte.Mod(TestByte132, TestByte10));
AssertEquals("Mod method 2" + Error, (SqlByte)10, SqlByte.Mod(TestByte10, TestByte200));
AssertEquals("Mod method 3" + Error, (SqlByte)0, SqlByte.Mod(TestByte200, TestByte10));
AssertEquals("Mod method 4" + Error, (SqlByte)68, SqlByte.Mod(TestByte200, TestByte132));
public void TestMultiply()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte (12);
SqlByte TestByte2 = new SqlByte (2);
SqlByte TestByte128 = new SqlByte (128);
AssertEquals ("Multiply method 1" + Error,
(byte)24, SqlByte.Multiply(TestByte12, TestByte2).Value);
AssertEquals ("Multiply method 2" + Error,
(byte)24, SqlByte.Multiply(TestByte2, TestByte12).Value);
try {
SqlByte.Multiply(TestByte128, TestByte2);
Fail ("Multiply method 3");
} catch(Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException" + Error, typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestNotEquals()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte128 = new SqlByte(128);
SqlByte TestByte128II = new SqlByte(128);
Assert("NotEquals method 1" + Error, SqlByte.NotEquals(TestByte12, TestByte128).Value);
Assert("NotEquals method 2" + Error, SqlByte.NotEquals(TestByte128, TestByte12).Value);
Assert("NotEquals method 3" + Error, SqlByte.NotEquals(TestByte128II, TestByte12).Value);
Assert("NotEquals method 4" + Error, !SqlByte.NotEquals(TestByte128II, TestByte128).Value);
Assert("NotEquals method 5" + Error, !SqlByte.NotEquals(TestByte128, TestByte128II).Value);
public void TestOnesComplement()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte128 = new SqlByte(128);
AssertEquals("OnesComplement method 1" + Error,
(SqlByte)243, SqlByte.OnesComplement(TestByte12));
AssertEquals("OnesComplement method 2" + Error,
(SqlByte)127, SqlByte.OnesComplement(TestByte128));
public void TestParse()
try {
Fail("Parse method 2" + Error);
catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("Parse method 3" + Error, typeof(ArgumentNullException), e.GetType());
try {
Fail("Parse method 4" + Error);
catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("Parse method 5" + Error, typeof(FormatException), e.GetType());
try {
int OverInt = (int)SqlByte.MaxValue + 1;
Fail("Parse method 6" + Error);
catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("Parse method 7" + Error, typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
AssertEquals("Parse method 8" + Error, (byte)150, SqlByte.Parse("150").Value);
public void TestSubtract()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte128 = new SqlByte(128);
AssertEquals("Subtract method 1" + Error, (byte)116, SqlByte.Subtract(TestByte128, TestByte12).Value);
try {
SqlByte.Subtract(TestByte12, TestByte128);
} catch(Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestToSqlBoolean()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByteNull = SqlByte.Null;
Assert("ToSqlBoolean method 1" + Error, TestByte12.ToSqlBoolean().Value);
Assert("ToSqlBoolean method 2" + Error, !TestByte0.ToSqlBoolean().Value);
Assert("ToSqlBoolean method 3" + Error, TestByteNull.ToSqlBoolean().IsNull);
public void TestToSqlDecimal()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte228 = new SqlByte(228);
AssertEquals("ToSqlDecimal method 1" + Error,
(decimal)12, TestByte12.ToSqlDecimal().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlDecimal method 2" + Error,
(decimal)0, TestByte0.ToSqlDecimal().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlDecimal method 3" + Error,
(decimal)228, TestByte228.ToSqlDecimal().Value);
public void TestToSqlDouble()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte228 = new SqlByte(228);
AssertEquals("ToSqlDouble method 1" + Error,
(double)12, TestByte12.ToSqlDouble().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlDouble method 2" + Error,
(double)0, TestByte0.ToSqlDouble().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlDouble method 3" + Error,
(double)228, TestByte228.ToSqlDouble().Value);
public void TestToSqlInt16()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte228 = new SqlByte(228);
AssertEquals("ToSqInt16 method 1" + Error,
(short)12, TestByte12.ToSqlInt16().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlInt16 method 2" + Error,
(short)0, TestByte0.ToSqlInt16().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlInt16 method 3" + Error,
(short)228, TestByte228.ToSqlInt16().Value);
public void TestToSqlInt32()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte228 = new SqlByte(228);
AssertEquals("ToSqInt32 method 1" + Error,
(int)12, TestByte12.ToSqlInt32().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlInt32 method 2" + Error,
(int)0, TestByte0.ToSqlInt32().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlInt32 method 3" + Error,
(int)228, TestByte228.ToSqlInt32().Value);
public void TestToSqlInt64()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte228 = new SqlByte(228);
AssertEquals("ToSqInt64 method " + Error,
(long)12, TestByte12.ToSqlInt64().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlInt64 method 2" + Error,
(long)0, TestByte0.ToSqlInt64().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlInt64 method 3" + Error,
(long)228, TestByte228.ToSqlInt64().Value);
public void TestToSqlMoney()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte228 = new SqlByte(228);
AssertEquals("ToSqMoney method 1" + Error,
(decimal)12, TestByte12.ToSqlMoney().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlMoney method 2" + Error,
(decimal)0, TestByte0.ToSqlMoney().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlMoney method 3" + Error,
(decimal)228, TestByte228.ToSqlMoney().Value);
public void TestToSqlSingle()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte228 = new SqlByte(228);
AssertEquals("ToSqlSingle method 1" + Error,
(float)12, TestByte12.ToSqlSingle().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlSingle method 2" + Error,
(float)0, TestByte0.ToSqlSingle().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlSingle method 3" + Error,
(float)228, TestByte228.ToSqlSingle().Value);
public void TestToSqlString()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte228 = new SqlByte(228);
AssertEquals("ToSqlString method 1" + Error,
"12", TestByte12.ToSqlString().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlString method 2" + Error,
"0", TestByte0.ToSqlString().Value);
AssertEquals("ToSqlString method 3" + Error,
"228", TestByte228.ToSqlString().Value);
public void TestToString()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
SqlByte TestByte228 = new SqlByte(228);
AssertEquals("ToString method 1" + Error,
"12", TestByte12.ToString());
AssertEquals("ToString method 2" + Error,
"0", TestByte0.ToString());
AssertEquals("ToString method 3" + Error,
"228", TestByte228.ToString());
public void TestXor()
SqlByte TestByte14 = new SqlByte(14);
SqlByte TestByte58 = new SqlByte(58);
SqlByte TestByte130 = new SqlByte(130);
AssertEquals("Xor method 1" + Error, (byte)52, SqlByte.Xor(TestByte14, TestByte58).Value);
AssertEquals("Xor method 2" + Error, (byte)140, SqlByte.Xor(TestByte14, TestByte130).Value);
AssertEquals("Xor method 3" + Error, (byte)184, SqlByte.Xor(TestByte58, TestByte130).Value);
public void TestAdditionOperator()
SqlByte TestByte24 = new SqlByte(24);
SqlByte TestByte64 = new SqlByte(64);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
AssertEquals("Addition operator" + Error, (SqlByte)88,TestByte24 + TestByte64);
try {
SqlByte result = TestByte64 + TestByte255;
Fail("Addition operator 1" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("Addition operator 2" + Error, typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestBitwiseAndOperator()
SqlByte TestByte2 = new SqlByte(2);
SqlByte TestByte4 = new SqlByte(4);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
AssertEquals("Bitwise and operator 1" + Error, (SqlByte)0,TestByte2 & TestByte4);
AssertEquals("Bitwise and operaror 2" + Error, (SqlByte)2, TestByte2 & TestByte255);
public void TestBitwiseOrOperator()
SqlByte TestByte2 = new SqlByte(2);
SqlByte TestByte4 = new SqlByte(4);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
AssertEquals("Bitwise or operator 1" + Error, (SqlByte)6,TestByte2 | TestByte4);
AssertEquals("Bitwise or operaror 2" + Error, (SqlByte)255, TestByte2 | TestByte255);
public void TestDivisionOperator()
SqlByte TestByte2 = new SqlByte(2);
SqlByte TestByte4 = new SqlByte(4);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
SqlByte TestByte0 = new SqlByte(0);
AssertEquals("Division operator 1" + Error, (SqlByte)2,TestByte4 / TestByte2);
AssertEquals("Division operaror 2" + Error, (SqlByte)127, TestByte255 / TestByte2);
try {
TestByte2 = TestByte255 / TestByte0;
Fail("Division operator 3" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("DivideByZeroException", typeof(DivideByZeroException), e.GetType());
public void TestEqualityOperator()
SqlByte TestByte15 = new SqlByte(15);
SqlByte TestByte15II = new SqlByte(15);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
Assert("== operator" + Error, (TestByte15 == TestByte15II).Value);
Assert("== operator 2" + Error, !(TestByte15 == TestByte255).Value);
Assert("!= operator" + Error, !(TestByte15 != TestByte15II).Value);
Assert("!= operator 2" + Error, (TestByte15 != TestByte255).Value);
public void TestExclusiveOrOperator()
SqlByte TestByte15 = new SqlByte(15);
SqlByte TestByte10 = new SqlByte(10);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
AssertEquals("Exclusive or operator 1" + Error, (SqlByte)5, (TestByte15 ^ TestByte10));
AssertEquals("Exclusive or operator 2" + Error, (SqlByte)240, (TestByte15 ^ TestByte255));
public void TestThanOrEqualOperators()
SqlByte TestByte165 = new SqlByte(165);
SqlByte TestByte100 = new SqlByte(100);
SqlByte TestByte100II = new SqlByte(100);
SqlByte TestByte255 = new SqlByte(255);
Assert("> operator 1" + Error, (TestByte165 > TestByte100).Value);
Assert("> operator 2" + Error, !(TestByte165 > TestByte255).Value);
Assert("> operator 3" + Error, !(TestByte100 > TestByte100II).Value);
Assert(">= operator 1" + Error, !(TestByte165 >= TestByte255).Value);
Assert(">= operator 2" + Error, (TestByte255 >= TestByte165).Value);
Assert(">= operator 3" + Error, (TestByte100 >= TestByte100II).Value);
Assert("< operator 1" + Error, !(TestByte165 < TestByte100).Value);
Assert("< operator 2" + Error, (TestByte165 < TestByte255).Value);
Assert("< operator 3" + Error, !(TestByte100 < TestByte100II).Value);
Assert("<= operator 1" + Error, (TestByte165 <= TestByte255).Value);
Assert("<= operator 2" + Error, !(TestByte255 <= TestByte165).Value);
Assert("<= operator 3" + Error, (TestByte100 <= TestByte100II).Value);
public void TestMultiplicationOperator()
SqlByte TestByte4 = new SqlByte(4);
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte128 = new SqlByte(128);
AssertEquals("Multiplication operator 1" + Error, (SqlByte)48, TestByte4 * TestByte12);
try {
SqlByte test = (TestByte128 * TestByte4);
Fail("Multiplication operator 2" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestOnesComplementOperator()
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte128 = new SqlByte(128);
AssertEquals("OnesComplement operator 1" + Error,
(SqlByte)243, ~TestByte12);
AssertEquals("OnesComplement operator 2" + Error,
(SqlByte)127, ~TestByte128);
public void TestSubtractionOperator()
SqlByte TestByte4 = new SqlByte(4);
SqlByte TestByte12 = new SqlByte(12);
SqlByte TestByte128 = new SqlByte(128);
AssertEquals("Subtraction operator 1" + Error, (SqlByte)8, TestByte12 - TestByte4);
try {
SqlByte test = TestByte4 - TestByte128;
Fail("Sybtraction operator 2" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestSqlBooleanToSqlByte()
SqlBoolean TestBoolean = new SqlBoolean(true);
SqlByte TestByte;
TestByte = (SqlByte)TestBoolean;
AssertEquals("SqlBooleanToSqlByte op" + Error,
(byte)1, TestByte.Value);
public void TestSqlByteToByte()
SqlByte TestByte = new SqlByte(12);
byte test = (byte)TestByte;
AssertEquals("SqlByteToByte" + Error, (byte)12, test);
public void TestSqlDecimalToSqlByte()
SqlDecimal TestDecimal64 = new SqlDecimal(64);
SqlDecimal TestDecimal900 = new SqlDecimal(900);
AssertEquals("SqlDecimalToByte" + Error, (byte)64, ((SqlByte)TestDecimal64).Value);
try {
SqlByte test = (SqlByte)TestDecimal900;
Fail("SqlDecimalToByte 2" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestSqlDoubleToSqlByte()
SqlDouble TestDouble64 = new SqlDouble(64);
SqlDouble TestDouble900 = new SqlDouble(900);
AssertEquals("SqlDecimalToByte" + Error, (byte)64, ((SqlByte)TestDouble64).Value);
try {
SqlByte test = (SqlByte)TestDouble900;
Fail("SqlDoubleToByte 2" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestSqlInt16ToSqlByte()
SqlInt16 TestInt1664 = new SqlInt16(64);
SqlInt16 TestInt16900 = new SqlInt16(900);
AssertEquals("SqlInt16ToByte" + Error, (byte)64, ((SqlByte)TestInt1664).Value);
try {
SqlByte test = (SqlByte)TestInt16900;
Fail("SqlInt16ToByte 2" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestSqlInt32ToSqlByte()
SqlInt32 TestInt3264 = new SqlInt32(64);
SqlInt32 TestInt32900 = new SqlInt32(900);
AssertEquals("SqlInt32ToByte" + Error, (byte)64, ((SqlByte)TestInt3264).Value);
try {
SqlByte test = (SqlByte)TestInt32900;
Fail("SqlInt32ToByte 2" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestSqlInt64ToSqlByte()
SqlInt64 TestInt6464 = new SqlInt64(64);
SqlInt64 TestInt64900 = new SqlInt64(900);
AssertEquals("SqlInt64ToByte" + Error, (byte)64, ((SqlByte)TestInt6464).Value);
try {
SqlByte test = (SqlByte)TestInt64900;
Fail("SqlInt64ToByte 2" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestSqlMoneyToSqlByte()
SqlMoney TestMoney64 = new SqlMoney(64);
SqlMoney TestMoney900 = new SqlMoney(900);
AssertEquals("SqlMoneyToByte" + Error, (byte)64, ((SqlByte)TestMoney64).Value);
try {
SqlByte test = (SqlByte)TestMoney900;
Fail("SqlMoneyToByte 2" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestSqlSingleToSqlByte()
SqlSingle TestSingle64 = new SqlSingle(64);
SqlSingle TestSingle900 = new SqlSingle(900);
AssertEquals("SqlSingleToByte" + Error, (byte)64, ((SqlByte)TestSingle64).Value);
try {
SqlByte test = (SqlByte)TestSingle900;
Fail("SqlSingleToByte 2" + Error);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestSqlStringToSqlByte()
SqlString TestString = new SqlString("Test string");
SqlString TestString100 = new SqlString("100");
SqlString TestString1000 = new SqlString("1000");
AssertEquals ("SqlStringToByte 1" + Error, (byte)100, ((SqlByte)TestString100).Value);
try {
SqlByte test = (SqlByte)TestString1000;
} catch(Exception e) {
AssertEquals("OverflowException", typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());
try {
SqlByte test = (SqlByte)TestString;
Fail("SqlStringToByte 2" + Error);
} catch(Exception e) {
AssertEquals("FormatException", typeof(FormatException), e.GetType());
public void TestByteToSqlByte()
byte TestByte = 14;
AssertEquals ("ByteToSqlByte" + Error,
(byte)14, ((SqlByte)TestByte).Value);