[Mono-list] mcs patch

Martin Aliger martin_aliger@email.cz
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 12:52:56 +0200 (CEST)

Hi all,

seems that my report about /fullpaths parameter to mcs disappers somewhere so I make [very robust] patch for that
(by diff -bp driver_old.cs driver.cs)

Here it is:
*** driver_old.cs	Wed Oct  2 08:44:06 2002
--- driver.cs	Wed Oct  2 08:44:32 2002
*************** namespace Mono.CSharp
*** 858,863 ****
--- 858,864 ----
  			case "/incremental":
  			case "/incremental+":
  			case "/incremental-":
+ 			case "/fullpaths":
  				// nothing.
  				return true;

Thanks for applying ;-)

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