[Mono-list] FYI : Mono on the MSDN site

Francisco Jr. fxjrlists@yahoo.com.br
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 11:51:37 -0300 (ART)

 --- James Michael DuPont <mdupont777@yahoo.com>

> good question, I dont know, I liked the promises of
> the EJB. 

Yes, me too.

> I think that web services are the servlets.
> EJBs are then described by WSDl. 
> Transaction processing is not covered.
> I bet that you will see a analogy to EJBs translated
> to DotNet very soon now.

I hope so!

> The corba 3.0 provides all of the major interfaces
> defined in a vendor neutral way, it will just be a
> question of time untill they are translated to C#.

Yes, this would be nice. I'm interested in implement
OMG Transaction Services in C#. I downloaded the
specification and started to read it. 

Francisco Jr.

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