[Mono-list] About Code Exchange between Go-Mono and Intel OCL

James Michael DuPont mdupont777@yahoo.com
Sat, 13 Jul 2002 02:30:01 -0700 (PDT)


Excuse the long mail with all my thoughts in it. I have tried to answer
your question, and hopefully this helps you out.

--- "Francesco FD. Delfino" <fdelfino@napoli.consorzio-cini.it> wrote:
> My idea is to take something from the c# classes that handles the
> System.Xml namespace: in the mono implementation not all the
> constructors are provided and actually (my attention is on
> XmlTextReader class), I have a project that needs those constructors.
> I'd like to provide code to modo, but now I have seen the OCL
> implementation.

So the OCL code is BSD + export license? which allows you to use it if
you give credit. 

Stallman says : 
>>There are many variants of simple non-copyleft free software
licenses, >>including the X10 license, the X11/XFree86 license, the
FreeBSD >>license, and the two BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
licenses. >>Most of them are equivalent except for details of wording,
but the >>license used for BSD until 1999 had a special problem: the
``obnoxious >>BSD advertising clause''. It said that every
advertisement mentioning >>the software must include a particular

>>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
>>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are >>met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above
>>notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
Note that there is not any mention of merging, but modification. 
The OCL uses code from Ximian.... So I guess it would be fair to use
code back, you are allowed to modify the code under the BSD.

The System.Xml in Mono is X11 if I remember correctly :
X11 License :http://www.x.org/terms.htm
>>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
>>a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
>>"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
>>without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
>>distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software

but quoted from the OCL page :
>>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
>>a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
>>"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
>>without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
>>distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
>>permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
>>the following conditions:

Now what you want to do is merge.

This does not sound like a problem..... If you give credit where credit
is due. On the other hand: 

>>Intel Labs C# implementation of portions of the CLI (Common Language
>>Infrastructure) runtime library as defined in the draft ECMA CLI
>>specification. For the latest public draft ECMA documents, see

That means that the constructors you are talking about are part of the
spec, but you want to take bits of the implementation to fill it out in
mono? Otherwise the headers should be under the ECMA spec and be
license neutral. I guess you want to take the implementations.

> On mono site there is a warning:
> "In general be careful when you are implementing free software and
> you have access to proprietary code. We need to make sure that we are
> not using someone else's copyrighted code accidentally. "

Intel has the copyright on this code. But the license is permissive.

> I just do not want to face such kind of a problem.

I think it would be up to the MonoLib people to decide if they want to
accept your patch. 

You can always create a new System.XML implementation based on the Mono
Classes with the help of the Intel Libs. Your new implementation could
then give credit to both sources. You then could publish that,
and the X11/BSD license does not make you give away your changes....

> If it is possible to cut & paste some code from OCL libraries and put
> them at mono disposal, without problems with mono classes licensing,
> i will give some code in the System.Xml namespace.

The a possible question that you might want to post is :
"Dear Mono list, I would like to Takes parts of the BSD licensed code
from OCL and merge it into the Monos X11 System.XML classes, would you
be interested in including those patches?"

Best Regards,

James Michael DuPont

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