[Mono-list] HTML Mockup for Class Lib Todo's

Nick Drochak ndrochak@gol.com
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 09:07:10 +0900

> I'll gladly put some time into providing a few formats along 
> the lines of what Nick suggests, but after having looked into 
> the problem a bit unless there's some cunning XSLT features I 
> don't know about, I can't see how we could achieve the 
> overall 'System' is 75% complete summary without reorganizing 
> the XML file to provide a more hierarchical structure.
> Being new, I don't know how class.xml is maintained or who 
> should I talk to about this.


Thanks for the offer.  It would be a big help!

Actually, I wasn't referring to the current class.xml on the download
page.  There will be a new .XML file generated by a as-yet-to-be-written
tool that Duncan is working on. Well, I think he's working on it :)  

The tool would be an extension of mcs/tools/CorCompare.  Currently
CorCompare only outputs missing class names.  It should be extended to
provide all the information that your XSLT would need, indeed including
the "% complete" numbers.  I shudder every time I think I need to do
some math in XSLT :)

So, something like this (I'm just typing it, so it's probably not going
to be well-formed :)

  <assembly name="corlib" missing="1753" todo="2312" complete="8">
      <namespace name="System" missing="267" todo="453" complete="21">
          <class name="System.Byte" status="missing" />
          <class name="System.Array" status="todo" missing="5" todo="6"
              <method name="ToString" status="todo" note="this is the
note from MonoTODO" />
              <method name="Equals" status="missing" />
              <property name="Count" status="todo" note="another note"

In a class, "todo" and "missing" refer to the number of
methods/properties with a [MonoTODO] attribute or totally
un-implemented, respectively. For namespace and assembly, they refer to
the number of classes that have todo or missing elements. That's
probably enough information for now for the drill-down.

Let me know what you think.  If we can settle on the structure of the
XML, then development of the XSLT and the ToDoGenerator itself can
proceed in parallel.

Nick D.