[Mono-list] replacement for mscoree.dll

Jason Whittington jasonw@develop.com
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 14:56:42 -0700

Doh! Just saw Guenther's post proposing more or less the same idea.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mono-list-admin@ximian.com [mailto:mono-list-admin@ximian.com]
> Behalf Of Jason Whittington
> Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 2:39 PM
> To: 'mono-list'
> Subject: RE: [Mono-list] replacement for mscoree.dll
> > BTW, the DotGNU people are also looking into adding mscoree.dll
> support,
> > so
> > it might be helpful to cooperate with them on this.
> Have you tested this on Windows XP?  In XP and future versions of
> Windows that runtime stub isn't executed [as I understand it] - rather
> the OS recognizes that you're trying to run a managed EXE.  The result
> would be that your version of MSCOREE.DLL might not get called the way
> you think.
> Second, Why not build an extensible mscoree that is driven by some
> of XML file? Then it would be easy to redirect based on all kinds of
> criteria like assemblyname, etc.  This would actually rock - I could
> up an entry and say that when I run foo.exe I want to run it under
> mono/clix/whatever.
> Something along these lines:
> <runtimes>
>    <ExecutionEngine name="mono" path="c:\usr\bin\mono"
>                     cmdline="-a -b -c %assembly% />
>    <ExecutionEngine name="rotor" path="c:\sscli\clix.exe"
>                     cmdline="-debug %assembly% />
> </runtimes>
> <redirects>
> <assemblyIdentity   name="foo"  publicKeyToken="c0cfbdd12338f4a4"
>                     version=" culture=neutral"/>
>    <runtime name="mono" />
> <assemblyIdentity   name="bar"  publicKeyToken="c0cfbdd12338f4a4"
>                     version=" culture=neutral"/>
>    <runtime name="rotor"/>
> </redirects>
> I don't see any reason it couldn't work cross platform.
> Jason
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