[Mono-list] Is it a bug?

Daniel Pecos dani@netpecos.org
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 21:34:18 +0200

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En respuesta a Hans-J=FCrgen Sch=F6nig, que escribi=F3 sobre [Mono-list] Is=
 it a bug?:
> using System;
>        // Ausgeben einer komplexen Zahl
>        public void PrintComplex()
>        {
>                Console.Write( x + " + " + y);
>        }
> public class    Demo
> {
>        public static void Main()
>        {
>                Complex zahl1 =3D new Complex(10, 20);
>                Complex zahl2 =3D new Complex(100, 200);
>                Complex ergebnis =3D new Complex();
>                ergebnis =3D zahl1 + zahl2;
>                Console.WriteLine( ergebnis.PrintComplex() );
  Here, you're printing on the console the return of ergebnis.PrintComplex(=
  but it doesn't return anything (it also prints on the console)

  I don't know if it should get compiled with mcs, but you should fix
  your problem in this way:

        // Ausgeben einer komplexen Zahl
        public string PrintComplex()
	        string str=3Dx + " + " + y;
                return str;
>        }
> }

  =B7     .--.                                 _    =B7
  =B7    |o_o |     Daniel Pecos Mart=EDnez    /   \  =B7
  =B7    |:_/ |     IRC Name: zeyen         |  () | =B7
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  =B7  (|     | )   Web: www.netpecos.org    \      =B7
  =B7 /'\_   _/`\                              \    =B7
  =B7 \___)=3D(___/   Linux User: #175518     debian  =B7

10 IF "LAS RANAS"=3D"TIENEN PELO" THEN PRINT "Windows is good".

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