[Mono-list] New String.cs break the test build
Patrik Torstensson
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 12:05:52 +0200
First one was missing, the second error I don't really understand:
From string.cs:
public int IndexOfAny (char[] values)
public int IndexOfAny (char[] values, int startIndex)
public int IndexOfAny (char[] values, int startIndex,
int count)
It has all 3 overloads that should exists.
And regarding the make test, I didn't know. Sorry.
- Patrik
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Drochak [mailto:ndrochak@gol.com]
> Sent: den 18 april 2002 04:35
> To: Mono-List
> Subject: [Mono-list] New String.cs break the test build
> Totte (Or Lupus),
> The new String.cs is missing (or the access is wrong on) some
> of the members of String. The build of RunTests.corlib.exe
> gives some compile errors:
> d:\cygwin\home\Administrator\mcs\class\corlib\Test\System\Stri
> ngTest.cs(304,
> 10):
> error CS0117: 'string' does not contain a definition for
> 'GetTypeCode'
> d:\cygwin\home\Administrator\mcs\class\corlib\Test\System\Stri
> ngTest.cs(428,
> 12):
> error CS1501: No overload for method 'IndexOfAny' takes '3' arguments
> D:\cygwin\home\Administrator\mcs\class\lib\corlib.dll:
> (Location of symbol relat ed to previous error)
> shows the problem.
> We need to encourage hackers to do a make clean; make; make
> test on the mcs module also before committing to avoid
> problems like this.
> Help,
> Nick D.
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