{RE: [Mono-list] Recent Windows.Forms commit
Dan Lewis
03 Apr 2002 23:18:28 +0100
On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 23:13, Piers Haken wrote:
> I've already gone through the corlib and System assemblies fixing most
> of the cases where items defined by both MS & Mono have the wrong
> accessibility or modifiers (sealed, virtual, abstract, etc...)
Thanks for the work on this!
> Surely private namespaces should start with "Mono." to avoid future
> collisions. In most cases I don't think they're necessary.
My understanding is that C# namespaces are just syntactic sugar for very
long class names. It's not the namespace that is public or private or
internal, but the classes defined within them.
The only danger posed by an internal class in a "private" namespace,
such as System.Text.RegularExpressions.Syntax.Group, is that a public
class of this name in this namespace in this assembly may be defined by
Microsoft in future. But you could say the same about an internal class
in a "public" namespace, or an internal method in a public class, or a
private field in a public class, etc...
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