{RE: [Mono-list] Recent Windows.Forms commit

John Barnette jbarn@httcb.net
Wed, 03 Apr 2002 15:20:41 -0700

At 03:13 PM 4/3/2002, Piers Haken wrote:
>Surely private namespaces should start with "Mono." to avoid future
>collisions. In most cases I don't think they're necessary.
>I think it's okay to use internal nested types, eg:
>namespace System.Text.RegulareExpressions
>         class RegexCollectionBase
>         {
>                 private class Enumerator
>                 {
>                 }
>         }

Absolutely.  I certainly didn't mean to imply that nested types should be 
broken out in any fashion.

~ j.