[Mono-dev] GAC on Mac

Vassil Vassilev v.g.vassilev at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 11:45:55 UTC 2013

On 09/17/2013 01:36 PM, Robert Jordan wrote:
> On 16.09.2013 20:29, Vassil Vassilev wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    Sorry if this is the wrong mailing list.
>>    I am trying to compile a simple cs file with using gtk-sharp library.
>> It looks like that the compiler doesn't look at the 'right' place. Any
>> ideas are very welcome, because I am stuck with that for quite a 
>> while...
> The compiler (neither mcs nor csc) is never resolving assemblies
> using the GAC. This means that you have to explicitly specify
> all assemblies (except system assemblies) using their path.
Thanks for the prompt reply! Oddly enough that used to work with having 
'just' one version of mono 2.10.9...
> Mcs/dmcs is also supporting pgk-config files (-pkg option),
> but I cant tell you how the GTK pkg-config is called.
> Maybe -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0
AFAIK this is not platform independent, isn't it?
> Robert
>>    I have this problem:
>> cat /tmp/t.cs
>> using Gtk;
>> namespace Test {
>>    class Program {
>>      void f() {
>>        Gtk.Label l = new Gtk.Label("aa");
>>      }
>>    }
>> }
>> /usr/bin/dmcs /t:library /out:SolidV.dll /platform:anycpu /debug:full
>> /debug+ /optimize- /sdk:4  /tmp/t.cs /reference:System.dll
>> /reference:gtk-sharp.dll
>> error CS0006: Metadata file `gtk-sharp.dll' could not be found
>> Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings
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