[Mono-dev] GSoC projects interests

Alex Corrado alexander.corrado at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 21:32:41 UTC 2012


2012/3/26 Štěpán Šindelář <me at stevesindelar.cz>:
> I would like to take part in Mono Google Summer of Code for the first
> time and projects that I am interested in are:
> - Improve Mono implementation of Reactive Extensions
> - New rules for Gendarme (I have already asked about it in Gendarme
> mailing list)
> - QT# Bindings with CXXI (I am aware that I am not the first one
> willing to do this one)
> I would like to ask the following: there is a large pull request to
> CXXI on github, is it planned to be merged into the master branch and
> used as a starting point for the GSoC project?

Those are all good projects, and you are welcome to submit multiple
proposals if you are interested. Regarding cxxi, yes, the plan is to
merge those pull requests before GSoC. For the Qt bindings, you'll
find the start of some bindings in the examples/qt directory that
could serve as the jumping off point for that project. Feel free to
ping me (corrado) in #mono or #monosoc on Gimpnet-- I couldn't speak
as much to the other projects, but I could answer any other questions
you might have about cxxi.


Alex Corrado

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