[Mono-dev] System.ServiceModel.Web configuration problems

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Sun Feb 28 22:26:17 EST 2010


On 2010/02/28 1:42, Sander Rijken wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been working on getting the configuration of 
> System.ServiceModel.Web up to speed, after finding out that it wasn't 
> working at all when I needed it in a project. I have some question now 
> that I'm trying to include test code, and the fixes themselve.
Oh, that's good news :)

> First of all, I think the fixes need to be split up in 3 commits. 
> What's the best way to generate patches for this, in order to be able 
> to apply them correctly? All changes are in the same file
Ideally make incremental changes. First patch to include only the first 
changes, second patch, based on the first changes, and the third one 
follows. Alternatively you could use git and git-svn to get incremental 
diffs easier.

Though no one is working on the config stuff, personally I probably 
wouldn't care to apply the changes at a time (depends on the changes).

> The test project for System.ServiceModel.Web includes a project 
> "nunit.framework.dll20". It seems like you're using 2.4 in other 
> places, and also without an nunit.framework project in the test 
> solution. Is it ok to get rid of the reference to the non-existing 
> project, and update the sln / csproj to use the nunit.framework dll? 
> What is the location of the dll that should be used here?
I'm not sure what they are for (no one actually uses VS solutions for 
WCF hacking). Probably they are generated by someone, so let's just 
ignore them. I'll just omit them when committing them.

Atsushi Eno

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