[Mono-dev] [patch] mono inline

Jerry Maine crashfourit at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 03:05:17 EST 2009

the .cs file is the really simple (and dumb) program that I used to get
this info from mono runtime.

As always... this is released under MIT\X11 license.

[based on revision(trunk) 127107]

>> With patch in method-to-ir.c
time mono --compile-all test.exe

real    0m0.151s
user    0m0.084s
sys    0m0.032s

mono --compile-all --stats test.exe
Mono Jit statistics
Compiled methods:       31
Methods from AOT:       0
Methods cache lookup:   12
Method trampolines:     22
Basic blocks:           275
Max basic blocks:       26
Allocated vars:         138
Compiled CIL code size: 1403
Native code size:       3575
Max code size ratio:    9.00 (MainClass::Main))
Biggest method:         612 (Hashtable::.ctor))
Code reallocs:          0
Allocated code size:    3575
Inlineable methods:     9
Inlined methods:        12
Regvars:                31
Locals stack size:      308

Created object count:   18
Delegates created:      0
Initialized classes:    108
Used classes:           23
Generic vtables:        22
Methods:                914
Static data size:       192
VTable data size:       11016
Mscorlib mempool size:  180312

Initialized classes:    23
Inflated types:         61
Generics virtual invokes: 0
Sharable generic methods: 0
Unsharable generic methods: 0
Shared generic methods: 0
Dynamic code allocs:    0
Dynamic code bytes:     0
Dynamic code frees:     0
IMT tables size:        2736
IMT number of tables:   18
IMT number of methods:  0
IMT used slots:         0
IMT colliding slots:    0
IMT max collisions:     0
IMT methods at max col: 0
IMT thunks size:        0
JIT info table inserts: 31
JIT info table removes: 0
JIT info table lookups: 42
Hazardous pointers:     0
Major GC collections:   2
Major GC time in msecs: 1.551000

JIT statistics
Unwind info size                    : 188
Max native code in a domain         : 4050
Max code space allocated in a domain: 65536
Total code space allocated          : 65536

Metadata statistics
MonoClass size                      : 66096
MonoClassExt size                   : 0
Memberref signature cache size      : 64

Generics statistics
Inflated methods size               : 3280
Inflated classes                    : 43
Inflated classes size               : 11696
Inflated signatures size            : 1264

>>without the patch in method-to-ir.c
time mono --compile-all test.exe

real    0m0.136s
user    0m0.068s
sys    0m0.032s

mono --compile-all --stats test.exe
Mono Jit statistics
Compiled methods:       31
Methods from AOT:       0
Methods cache lookup:   12
Method trampolines:     22
Basic blocks:           275
Max basic blocks:       26
Allocated vars:         138
Compiled CIL code size: 1403
Native code size:       3575
Max code size ratio:    9.00 (MainClass::Main))
Biggest method:         612 (Hashtable::.ctor))
Code reallocs:          0
Allocated code size:    3575
Inlineable methods:     9
Inlined methods:        12
Regvars:                31
Locals stack size:      308

Created object count:   18
Delegates created:      0
Initialized classes:    108
Used classes:           23
Generic vtables:        22
Methods:                914
Static data size:       192
VTable data size:       11016
Mscorlib mempool size:  180312

Initialized classes:    23
Inflated types:         61
Generics virtual invokes: 0
Sharable generic methods: 0
Unsharable generic methods: 0
Shared generic methods: 0
Dynamic code allocs:    0
Dynamic code bytes:     0
Dynamic code frees:     0
IMT tables size:        2736
IMT number of tables:   18
IMT number of methods:  0
IMT used slots:         0
IMT colliding slots:    0
IMT max collisions:     0
IMT methods at max col: 0
IMT thunks size:        0
JIT info table inserts: 31
JIT info table removes: 0
JIT info table lookups: 42
Hazardous pointers:     0
Major GC collections:   2
Major GC time in msecs: 1.447000

JIT statistics
Unwind info size                    : 188
Max native code in a domain         : 4066
Max code space allocated in a domain: 65536
Total code space allocated          : 65536

Metadata statistics
MonoClass size                      : 66096
MonoClassExt size                   : 0
Memberref signature cache size      : 64

Generics statistics
Inflated methods size               : 3280
Inflated classes                    : 43
Inflated classes size               : 11696
Inflated signatures size            : 1264

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