[Mono-dev] [MonoDevelop] Some questions about the debugger/debugger add-in

Casey Marshall cmarshall at pacificbiosciences.com
Wed Jul 16 13:30:10 EDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 15:00 +0200, Lluis Sanchez Gual wrote:
> El dt 15 de 07 de 2008 a les 17:34 -0700, en/na Casey Marshall va
> escriure:
> > I've been tracking the SVN sources of mono and MonoDevelop, and I'm
> > especially interested in the debugger support in MonoDevelop, and had
> > some questions about it:
> > 
> > It's clearly still in development, but what are the plans and timeline?
> The plan is to release it with MonoDevelop 2.0 around the end of the
> year. Several alpha and beta releases will be available in the following
> months.
> > Some of the views that exist now are pretty neat, but what about things
> > like, say, visually inspecting variables while debugging, 
> You can already do that.

Yeah, I did notice that after sending that mail. I was expecting
something more direct than a tooltip.

> > or other
> > features otherwise hidden in the GUI version? Is there some kind of TODO
> > list, or some obvious things that need to be implemented? I'm
> > specifically interested in things that I could pick up and start working
> > on, fwiw.
> The debugger integration is being done by me and by Alfonso Santos (GSOC
> student). Right now, no additional help is needed in this area.

Uh, OK.

> > 
> > Adding breakpoints to files in assemblies other than the main assembly
> > doesn't work, e.g., if a solution contains a support library foo.dll for
> > bar.exe, and I try adding a breakpoint to a file in foo.dll, the
> > debugger can't resolve that file, apparently because foo.dll isn't
> > loaded at that point.
> That's not supported yet, but planned.

For 2.0? It seems fundamental.

> > 
> > Starting up a program under the debugger takes a fairly long time, and
> > there's no feedback that things are happening during this process.
> How much is "fairly long time"? It takes like 2 seconds here. This is
> normal, although it can be improved.

Nearly 30 seconds.

> > 
> > What key is "L1"? It's bound to the step commands, but I have no idea
> > what key that corresponds to.
> F11, Michael explained the problem with it. We have to fix that.
> Lluis.

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