[Mono-dev] CruiseControl.Net reports failed NAnt builds as success

Leszek Ciesielski skolima at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 10:34:04 EDT 2007


I have setup a CCNet server farm, with one of the nodes running on
linux+mono. The problem is that failed NAnt builds are not reported as
such. I have tinkered a bit with the code today and managed to create
a test case (attached). When 'nant' is called from console, it's
return status is correctly returned with 'echo $?'. However, it is not
returned through Process.ExitCode. The same happens when I run 'mono
/usr/share/NAnt/bin/NAnt.exe', bypassing the wrapper script. Any ideas
what is wrong?

Related bug on CCNet Jira: http://jira.public.thoughtworks.org/browse/CCNET-830


Leszek Ciesielski
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