[Mono-dev] [PATCH] - System.IO.FileSystemWatcher Unit Tests for Events

Louis R. Marascio louis at fitnr.com
Tue Apr 24 18:39:24 EDT 2007

Alan McGovern <alan.mcgovern at gmail.com> wrote:
>One thing you should do is make sure your temp files and directories are
>cleaned up when your tests finish running. The best way to do this would be
>to use [TestFixtureSetup] and [TestFixtureTeardown] to create a setup and
>cleanup method. The first one creates your temp directory, the second one
>deletes it.
>Other than that, it looks good.


Thanks for the feedback. I have updated the patch with your suggestions.
The new diff is attached to this note. Can you apply it?



Louis R. Marascio - www.fitnr.com
... fixed in the next release ...
-------------- next part --------------
Index: class/System/Test/System.IO/FileSystemWatcherTest.cs
--- class/System/Test/System.IO/FileSystemWatcherTest.cs	(revision 76226)
+++ class/System/Test/System.IO/FileSystemWatcherTest.cs	(working copy)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 // Authors:
 // 	Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo at ximian.com)
+//	Louis R. Marascio (louis at fitnr.com)
 // (C) 2004 Novell, Inc.  http://www.novell.com
@@ -9,12 +10,17 @@
 using NUnit.Framework;
 using System;
 using System.IO;
+using System.Threading;
 namespace MonoTests.System.IO
 	public class FileSystemWatcherTest : Assertion
+		// Path to the temporary directory that we'll use for various tests
+		private static string tempPath = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath(), 
+								"MonoTests.System.IO.FileSystemWatcherTest");
 		public void CheckDefaults ()
@@ -81,6 +87,159 @@
 			FileSystemWatcher fw = new FileSystemWatcher (Path.GetTempPath (), "*");
 			fw.Path = "*";
+		#region FileSystemWatcher Event Tests
+		private AutoResetEvent eventFired  = new AutoResetEvent (false);
+		private static string tempFile     = "FSWTempFile";
+		private static string tempFilePath = Path.Combine (tempPath, tempFile);
+		// Used to store state from each event call back
+		private string lastName, lastFullPath;
+		private WatcherChangeTypes lastChangeType;
+		[Test]
+		public void CheckChangedEvent ()
+		{
+			// Test various combinations of the Changed event. We pass in a test name, our test
+			// filename, a test filter, and whether we expect the event to fire or not.
+			DoChangedEventTest ("ChangedWildcard",        tempFilePath,        "*.*",        true);
+			DoChangedEventTest ("ChangedSpecificFile",    tempFilePath+"2",    tempFile+"2", true);
+			DoChangedEventTest ("ChangedOutsideOfFilter", tempFilePath,        "fooFilter",  false);
+			DoChangedEventTest ("ChangedFilterExtGood",   tempFilePath+".abc", "*.abc",      true);
+			DoChangedEventTest ("ChangedFilterExtBad",    tempFilePath+".xyz", "*.abc",      false);
+		}
+		// Test various combinations of the Changed event handler
+		public void DoChangedEventTest (string testName, string filename, string filter, bool eventExpected)
+		{
+			CleanupTempDir ();
+			// Open our temporary file and write some initial data, before we start monitoring for events.
+			using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter (filename)) {
+				w.WriteLine ("foo");
+			}
+			FileSystemWatcher fw = new FileSystemWatcher (tempPath, filter);
+			fw.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler (OnFileSystemWatcherEvent);
+			fw.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
+			// Now that we're monitoring for Changed events, write some more data to the same file.
+			using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter (filename, true)) {
+				w.WriteLine ("bar");
+			}
+			bool gotEvent = eventFired.WaitOne (1000, true);
+			fw.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
+			fw.Dispose ();
+			AssertEquals (testName+"-#15", gotEvent, eventExpected);
+			if (eventExpected) {
+				AssertEquals (testName+"-#16", filename, lastFullPath);
+				AssertEquals (testName+"-#17", WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, lastChangeType);
+			}
+			lastName = lastFullPath = null;
+		}
+		[Test]
+		public void CheckCreatedEvent ()
+		{
+			CleanupTempDir ();
+			// Make sure the file isn't there before we try to create it
+			if (File.Exists(tempFilePath))
+				File.Delete (tempFilePath);
+			FileSystemWatcher fw = new FileSystemWatcher (tempPath);
+			fw.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler (OnFileSystemWatcherEvent);
+			fw.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
+			// Now that we're monitoring for Created events, create the file.
+			File.Create (tempFilePath);
+			bool gotEvent = eventFired.WaitOne (1000, true);
+			fw.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
+			fw.Dispose ();
+			AssertEquals ("#07", gotEvent, true);
+			AssertEquals ("#08", tempFile, lastName);
+			AssertEquals ("#09", tempFilePath, lastFullPath);
+			AssertEquals ("#10", WatcherChangeTypes.Created, lastChangeType);
+			lastName = lastFullPath = null;
+		}
+		[Test]
+		public void CheckDeletedEvent ()
+		{
+			CleanupTempDir ();
+			// Make sure the file does exist before we try to delete it
+			if (!File.Exists(tempFilePath)) 
+				File.Create (tempFilePath);
+			FileSystemWatcher fw = new FileSystemWatcher (tempPath);
+			fw.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler (OnFileSystemWatcherEvent);
+			fw.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
+			// Now that we're monitoring for Deleted events, remove the file.
+			File.Delete (tempFilePath);
+			bool gotEvent = eventFired.WaitOne (1000, true);
+			fw.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
+			fw.Dispose ();
+			AssertEquals ("#11", gotEvent, true);
+			AssertEquals ("#12", tempFile, lastName);
+			AssertEquals ("#13", tempFilePath, lastFullPath);
+			AssertEquals ("#14", WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted, lastChangeType);
+			lastName = lastFullPath = null;
+		}
+		// One event handler for all of our tests. Just save the relevant data
+		// so the individual test can assert on it.
+		private void OnFileSystemWatcherEvent (object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
+		{
+			lastName = e.Name;
+			lastFullPath = e.FullPath;
+			lastChangeType = e.ChangeType;
+			eventFired.Set ();		
+		}
+		#endregion
+		[TestFixtureSetUp]
+		public void FixtureSetup ()
+		{
+			// Make sure a clean temporary directory exists 
+			RemoveTempDir ();
+			Directory.CreateDirectory (tempPath);
+		}
+		[TestFixtureTearDown]
+		public void FixtureTeardown ()
+		{
+			RemoveTempDir ();
+		}
+		// Whack the temporary directory
+		public void RemoveTempDir ()
+		{
+			if (Directory.Exists (tempPath))
+				Directory.Delete (tempPath, true);
+		}
+		// Remove all files in the temporary directory
+		private void CleanupTempDir ()
+		{
+			if (Directory.Exists (tempPath))
+				File.Delete (Path.Combine (tempPath, "*.*"));
+		}
Index: class/System/Test/System.IO/ChangeLog
--- class/System/Test/System.IO/ChangeLog	(revision 76226)
+++ class/System/Test/System.IO/ChangeLog	(working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2007-04-24  Louis R. Marascio <louis at fitnr.com>
+	* FileSystemWatcherTest.cs: add unit tests for Created, Deleted
+	  and Changed events.
 2004-01-16  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo at ximian.com>
 	* FileSystemWatcherTest.cs: new test.

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