[Mono-dev] [PATCH] implement support for auto:LANGID culture specifications in ASP.NET 2.0 globalization

Raja R Harinath rharinath at novell.com
Mon Nov 20 08:20:32 EST 2006


Marek Habersack <grendel at caudium.net> writes:

> On Mon, 20 Nov 2006 17:36:35 +0530, Raja R Harinath
> <rharinath at novell.com> scribbled:
>> Hi,
> hey :)
> [snip]
>> >  
>> >  			if (appui_culture != null) {
>> >  				prev_appui_culture =
>> > th.CurrentUICulture; +#if NET_2_0
>> > +				th.CurrentUICulture =
>> > GetThreadCulture (Request, appui_culture, autoUICulture); +#else
>> >  				th.CurrentUICulture =
>> > appui_culture; +#endif
>> >  			}
>> And just use the first variant.  We don't want unnecessary '#if's
>> sprinkled around the code since it increases the number of code paths
>> that need to examined.
> I did it for space purposes - just thought there wasn't any need to add
> more size (even if it's not much) to the 1.x assembly. Also, calling
> the method in 1.x seemed like a waste of time needed to do the call. But
> if it's fine, then I'll be more than glad to remove the ifdefs :)
> Please review the attached diff, best regards

Oh don't worry about me.  I'm not familiar with the code -- so I can't
comment.  I am just a busybody with some free time on my hands :-)

But, in general, I think that points you raise aren't that important:
after all, both those overheads are present in the 2.0 profile -- so if
the overhead is significant, we probably want to catch it in the 1.1
profile itself :-)  IMHO, the code simplification is probably worth it.

- Hari

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