[Mono-dev] DES problem
Sebastien Pouliot
sebastien.pouliot at gmail.com
Fri May 12 08:04:22 EDT 2006
On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 11:36 +0200, Arnhoffer Károly wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a service application which uses encrypted data over network.
> My decrypting function gives different results with the same inputs on
> Mono which does not occour on .NET. The other mighty thing is that
> when I grab this function out of the service and test it in itself
> this problem does not happen again. What is wrong here?
Difficult to say. Your code sample, beside being in VB.NET ;-), is
incomplete. It only show the decryption process (the problem may be on
the encryption side) and doesn't show how you create the
ICryptoTransform (encryptor and decryptor) instances.
Please fill a bug into bugzilla with a complete sample and state the
version of the MS Fx that works and the version of Mono that doesn't.
> My function looks as follows (test version):
> Friend Function DecryptDataDES(ByVal tbytaData As Byte(), ByVal tbytaDESKey As Byte(), ByVal tbytaDESIV As Byte(), ByRef tbytaDecryptedData As Byte()) As Boolean
> Dim lobjMemStream As MemoryStream
> Dim lobjCryptoStream As CryptoStream
> Dim lbytaDESKey As Byte()
> Dim lbytaDESIV As Byte()
> Try
> 'console.writeline()
> ReDim lbytaDESKey(tbytaDESKey.Length - 1)
> ReDim lbytaDESIV(tbytaDESIV.Length - 1)
> tbytaDESKey.CopyTo(lbytaDESKey, 0)
> tbytaDESIV.CopyTo(lbytaDESIV, 0)
> Console.WriteLine("tbytaData: " & Convert.ToBase64String(tbytaData))
> Console.WriteLine("lbytaDESKey: " & Convert.ToBase64String(lbytaDESKey))
> Console.WriteLine("lbytaDESIV: " & Convert.ToBase64String(lbytaDESIV))
> 'teszt
> If Not InitTripleDESCSP(lbytaDESKey, lbytaDESIV) Then
> 'ak20050721: ha nem kényszerítjük ki az újrainicializálást, akkor linux/mono-n ugyanolyan bemenet mellett eltérő eredményt fog
> 'adni a DecryptDataDES függvény. Emiatt InitTripleDESCSP(lbytaDESKey, lbytaDESIV) helyett InitTripleDESCSP(lbytaDESKey, lbytaDESIV, True)
> 'szerepel a hívásban
> 'console.writeline("Forced reinit...")
> 'If Not InitTripleDESCSP(lbytaDESKey, lbytaDESIV, True) Then
> 'mobjApp.Errors.Add(mstrResName, CommErrEnum.CantDecryptDataDES, , , "InitTripleDESCSP").Raise()
> Console.WriteLine("InitTripleDESCSP failed")
> End If
> Console.WriteLine("lbytaDESKey: " & Convert.ToBase64String(lbytaDESKey))
> Console.WriteLine("lbytaDESIV: " & Convert.ToBase64String(lbytaDESIV))
> lobjMemStream = New MemoryStream()
> lobjCryptoStream = New CryptoStream(lobjMemStream, mobjDecryptTransform, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
> 'Írás közben dekódolja az adatot
> lobjCryptoStream.Write(tbytaData, 0, tbytaData.Length)
> lobjCryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock()
> lobjCryptoStream.Close() 'e nélkül nem működik!!!
> 'Kiolvassuk a dekódolt adatot
> tbytaDecryptedData = lobjMemStream.ToArray()
> Console.WriteLine("tbytaDecryptedData: " & Convert.ToBase64String(tbytaDecryptedData))
> Return True
> Catch ex As Exception
> Console.WriteLine("DecryptDataDES failed")
> Finally
> Try
> If Not lobjMemStream Is Nothing Then lobjMemStream.Close()
> If Not lobjCryptoStream Is Nothing Then lobjCryptoStream.Close()
> Catch
> End Try
> End Try
> End Function
> Thanks!
> Károly
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Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien at ximian.com>
Blog: http://pages.infinit.net/ctech/
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