[Mono-dev] Bug? Inconsistent visibility for delegate type.

David Toso erroneousbollock at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 05:21:32 EDT 2006

Hi folks,

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before (I could not find it in
the bug database) or wether I'm trying to do something that is
completely wrong... nonetheless:

When compiling the simple program below, I get the following errors:
  bugTest.cs(20,25): error CS0051: Inconsistent accessibility:
parameter type `Foo.Bar.ProtectedBaz' is less accessible than method
Foo.Bar.<#AnonymousMethod>1 (Foo.Bar.ProtectedBaz)'
  bugTest.cs(21,25): error CS0051: Inconsistent accessibility:
parameter type `Foo.Bar.PrivateBaz' is less accessible than method

It would seem that the visibility assigned to the delegate instances
is 'public', which results in the "Inconsistent accessibility" errors.

That code does compile (and work) in VS2005.

Is this really a bug, or is there some way I can modify the inline
delegate definitions such that they would have the correct visibility

I have mono version (Ubuntu package: mono-gmcs

Thanks for you time.
-David Toso

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Foo
  public class Bar
    public    class PublicBaz    { public string id; }
    protected class ProtectedBaz { public string id; }
    private   class PrivateBaz   { public string id; }

    private void Test()
      string nice = "dave";
      List<PublicBaz>    pub = new List<PublicBaz>();
      List<ProtectedBaz> prt = new List<ProtectedBaz>();
      List<PrivateBaz>   prv = new List<PrivateBaz>();

      pub = pub.FindAll(delegate (PublicBaz b)    { return b.id == nice; });
      prt = prt.FindAll(delegate (ProtectedBaz b) { return b.id == nice; });
      prv = prv.FindAll(delegate (PrivateBaz b)   { return b.id == nice; });

    public static void Main(string [] args)
      (new Bar()).Test();

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