[Mono-dev] Application Portability Guidelines.

Alex Chudnovsky alexc at majestic12.co.uk
Mon Jul 31 15:48:05 EDT 2006

Miguel de Icaza wrote:

>I have created a new page on the Wiki to serve as a tutorial to help
>people who want to port their applications from Windows to Linux to have
>a central location to look for information, the page is:
>	http://www.mono-project.com/Guidelines:Application_Portability

It might be worth adding that incremental Visual Studio builds (in 
configuration->Advanced tab on project in VS) may not work, at least 
they did not last time I tried on Mono.

I also think you meant System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar rather than 

It is also worth mentioning that endianness for low level operations 
with primitive types may not be the same as on x86 CPUs, specifically 
MacOS's Mono build had that issue in my app.



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