[Mono-dev] corcompare - refactored to use Mono.Cecil instead of reflection

Jb Evain mono at evain.net
Thu Dec 21 05:37:02 EST 2006


If the final decision is to keep you corcompare tool outside of the mcs 
tree until Cecil mature enough to be part of the tree itself, you're 
welcome to check-in your work in /cecil/corcompare.



Moty Mondiano wrote:
> Attached is a refactoring of corcompare to use Mono.Cecil.
> We have tried to use corcompare on our mscorlib.dll (customized for
> Grasshopper and for running on Java). We tried running corcompare using
> Mono and also using MS .Net.
> Because corcompare uses Reflection it refused to load our version of
> mscorlib.dll - enums and structs conflicted with the built in enums and
> structs. We believe that it will refuse to load a version of mscorlib
> other then the one it is running on.
> We therefore chose to use Mono.Cecil instead of Reflection. The choice
> of Mono.Cecil is a natural choice in this context as it can load and
> analyze any assembly without side effects like the ones we saw.
> As a result Corcompare is now:
> 1.       Much faster (more likely to be used in the build system)
> 2.       Can be used to load any version of mscorlib.
> 3.       Does not run any static initializers 
> Open Issue 1: Comparison of attribute values is now less accurate. Using
> Mono.Cecil we cannot evaluate the attribute but only examine how it was
> initialized. Therefore the following will be diagnosed as a difference:
>             [MyAttribute("Value")] vs.
>             [MyAttribute(MyProerty = "Value")]
> Open Issue 2: How to resolve the build dependency on Mono.Cecil. Since
> now Corcompare uses Mono.Cecil.dll, I temporally added this compiler
> argument "-r:Mono.Cecil.dll" (i.e. it expects to find Mono.Cecil.dll in
> the current directory). Please advise on best practice to solve this
> dependency (for example should this makefile build Mono.Cecil.dll ?)
> Thanks,
> Moty Mondiano
> Mainsoft Corporation

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