[Mono-dev] Merging Novell.Directory.Ldap with that of Novell Forge's updated one

Nachiappan Palaniappan npalaniappan at novell.com
Fri Sep 23 01:06:04 EDT 2005

I've merged the updated Novell.Directory.Ldap of Novell's Forge site and
that in mono. 
The folder is made in synch with the Novell Forge's C# LDAP SDK(v-2.1.4)
with the following updates as specified in the ChangeLog : 
- Changes in Connection.cs regarding appropriate handling 
                    in method ServerCertificateValidation. 
- Added support for error code 113 SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED. 
- Added two files ResultCodeMessages.txt and ExceptionMessages.txt in   
- Added support for subordinate subtree scope. 
- Removed hard coded dependency on Mono Security 
- Fix for a race condition in Connection.cs 
- Updated with support for Interactiveness of SSL Handshake, 
  Ldap Events, Edir Events, Intermediate Response 
- Connection.cs class is modified by synchronizing the stream 
                                       threads so as to avoid the memory
consumption and handle consumption. 
- Changed version from 2.1.1 to 2.1.4 in Connection.cs. 
- Updated ChangeLog so that latest changes are on the top. 
I am not very sure of the formalities to commit. Shall I commit these
Enclosed : 'merge.diff' patch. 

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