[Mono-dev] [PATCH] Warning and errors for InternalsVisibleAttr

Marek Safar marek.safar at seznam.cz
Fri Oct 14 04:08:10 EDT 2005


>The attached patch checks the validity of InternalsVisibleToAttribute,
>and reports and warnings depending on the contents.
>May I commit?
- no test for CS1700.
- please use syntax `blabla' for error/warning arguments.

+			if (a.Type == TypeManager.internals_visible_attr_type)
+				if (!CheckInternalsVisibleAttribute (a))
+					return;

Please use, &&.

But I am not sure whether we should commit this to mcs and then 
integrate or to gmcs only.
Any ideas ?


>PD - Attached are some tests.
>Index: typemanager.cs
>--- typemanager.cs	(revisiĆ³n: 51640)
>+++ typemanager.cs	(copia de trabajo)
>@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
> 	static internal Type compiler_generated_attr_type;
> 	static internal Type fixed_buffer_attr_type;
> 	static internal Type default_charset_type;
>+	static internal Type internals_visible_attr_type;
> 	//
> 	// An empty array of types
>@@ -1143,6 +1144,7 @@
> 		compiler_generated_attr_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Runtime.CompilerServices", "CompilerGeneratedAttribute");
> 		fixed_buffer_attr_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Runtime.CompilerServices", "FixedBufferAttribute");
> 		default_charset_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Runtime.InteropServices", "DefaultCharSetAttribute");
>+		internals_visible_attr_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Runtime.CompilerServices", "InternalsVisibleToAttribute");
> 		//
> 		// When compiling corlib, store the "real" types here.
> 		//
>Index: codegen.cs
>--- codegen.cs	(revisiĆ³n: 51690)
>+++ codegen.cs	(copia de trabajo)
>@@ -144,6 +144,10 @@
> 				return false;
> 			}
>+			// Get the complete AssemblyName from the builder
>+			// (We need to get the public key and token)
>+			Assembly.Name = Assembly.Builder.GetName ();
> 			//
> 			// Pass a path-less name to DefineDynamicModule.  Wonder how
> 			// this copes with output in different directories then.
>@@ -1006,6 +1010,7 @@
> 	public class AssemblyClass: CommonAssemblyModulClass {
> 		// TODO: make it private and move all builder based methods here
> 		public AssemblyBuilder Builder;
>+		public AssemblyName Name;
> 		bool is_cls_compliant;
> 		public Attribute ClsCompliantAttribute;
>@@ -1196,6 +1201,35 @@
> 			Report.Error (1548, "Error during assembly signing. " + text);
> 		}
>+		bool CheckInternalsVisibleAttribute (Attribute a)
>+		{
>+			string assembly_name = a.GetString ();
>+			if (assembly_name.Length == 0)
>+				return false;
>+			AssemblyName aname = null;
>+			try {
>+				aname = new AssemblyName (assembly_name);
>+			} catch (FileLoadException) {
>+			} catch (ArgumentException) {
>+			}
>+			// Bad assembly name format
>+			if (aname == null)
>+				Report.Warning (1700, 3, a.Location, "Assembly reference '" + assembly_name + "' is invalid and cannot be resolved");
>+			// Report error if we have defined Version or Culture
>+			else if (aname.Version != null || aname.CultureInfo != null)
>+				throw new Exception ("Friend assembly '" + a.GetString () + 
>+						"' is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo cannot have version or culture specified.");
>+			else if (aname.GetPublicKeyToken () == null && Name.GetPublicKeyToken () != null) {
>+				Report.Error (1726, a.Location, "Friend assembly reference '" + aname.Name + "' is invalid." +
>+						" Strong named assemblies must specify a public key token in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations");
>+				return false;
>+			}
>+			return true;
>+		}
> 		public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, CustomAttributeBuilder customBuilder)
> 		{
> 			if (a.Type.IsSubclassOf (TypeManager.security_attr_type) && a.CheckSecurityActionValidity (true)) {
>@@ -1217,6 +1251,10 @@
> 				}
> 			}
>+			if (a.Type == TypeManager.internals_visible_attr_type)
>+				if (!CheckInternalsVisibleAttribute (a))
>+					return;
> 			Builder.SetCustomAttribute (customBuilder);
> 		}
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