[Mono-dev] using internal calls in mono1.1.9 is allowed just in mscorlib.dll?

Okehee Goh okehee at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 23:07:22 EST 2005

yes, I actually did mono_add_internal_call () to register internal call..

And then, i refered the dll in following way.

mcs -target:library -o MyApp.dll SPC.cs
mcs -o Test.cs -r:MyApp.dll

But, I got "..contains
> native code and mono can't run it." And then when added the internal calls
to mscorlib.dll, mono didn't give that error message. Is it the way mono
allow for internal call?

2) the following is error message i got.

I tried
make get-monolite-latest

But, got same error again.

mcs -d:NET_1_1 -d:ONLY_1_1 -d:BOOTSTRAP_WITH_OLDLIB -debug -target:exe -out:
mcs.exe cs-parser.cs @mcs.exe.sources
Internal() warning CS8018: Could not find the symbol writer assembly (
Mono.CSharp.Debugger.dll). This is normally an installation problem. Please
make sure to compile and install the mcs/class/Mono.CSharp.Debugger

Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: Unhandled typecode in enum from
Mono.CSharp.MemberCache+EntryType, mcs, Version= <>,
in <0x00121> Mono.CSharp.TypeManager:EnumToUnderlying (System.Type t)
in <0x00401> Mono.CSharp.Enum:LookupEnumValue (Mono.CSharp.EmitContext ec,
System.String name, Location loc)
in <0x0016e> Mono.CSharp.Enum:Define (Mono.CSharp.TypeContainer parent)
in <0x000a9> Mono.CSharp.TypeContainer:DefineMembers (
System.Collections.ArrayList list, System.Reflection.MemberInfo[]
in <0x00365> Mono.CSharp.TypeContainer:DefineMembers (
Mono.CSharp.TypeContainer container)
in <0x00430> Mono.CSharp.RootContext:PopulateTypes ()
in <0x00784> Mono.CSharp.Driver:MainDriver (System.String[] args)
in <0x00010> Mono.CSharp.Driver:Main (System.String[] args)
make[7]: *** [../class/lib/basic/mcs.exe] Error 1

On 11/9/05, Robert Jordan <robertj at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I tried to add a few internal calls to expose certain features to
> classes.
> > With older mono version, i did it by adding them at icall.c
> >
> > With same approach in mono1.1.9, I got runtime error "myapp.dll contains
> > native code and mono can't run it."
> >
> > 1)
> > Is it because mono doesn't allow internal calls through library dll
> other
> > than mscorlib.dll?
> No, you must be making a mistake. Use mono_add_internal_call ().
> > 2) Another problem is that when install mono1.1.9, mcs directory wasn't
> > compiled successfully. It looks for mcs.exe from mcs/class/lib/basic/
> etc. I
> > don't know why i face this problem.
> Try
> make get-monolite-latest
> make
> >
> > 3)
> > Long time back, Ximian used to release mcs source including full class
> > libraries. But, not i can't find those type of package. No other way to
> get
> > source of class libraries other than that included in mono?
> Have a look at mcs/class. If you don't have the mcs folder at
> the same level as mono, well, install it, otherwise you won't
> be able to build mono at all.
> >
> > 4) is there any tool to check the list of objects archived into certain
> dll?
> > for example, in unix, we can use nm command to list symbols (or names of
> > objects) archived into lib**.a.
> monop
> Robert
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