[Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Reworked unified Locale classes

Kornél Pál kornelpal at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 23 05:18:39 EDT 2005

> From: Miguel de Icaza
> The patch only has one bug as it stands today: it uses a double check
> lock, which is race prone:
> if (x == null){
> lock (...){
> if (x == null){
> x = Allocate ();
> }
> }
> }

The actual code:
private static ResourceManager GetResourceManager ()
 if (resources == null)
  lock (resourcesLock) {
   if (resources == null)
    resources = new GetTextResourceManager (typeof (Locale).Assembly.GetName
().Name, typeof (Locale).Assembly);
 return resources;

I think this is good, because it is intended to initialize resources only
once. I did not wanted to use static constructor because of the thing
explained in the source code. (I don't want any TypeInitializationException,
and it even could not be catched by SafeGetText) If resources is already
initialized it does not lock at all that results in faster execution. But
the second check is required because when two threads are waiting to acrique
resourcesLock one of the will initialize resources while the other should
not replace the existing one.

If you still think that this is a race prone, please tell me why because I
don't know the reason.

> I have a few more questions: what happens if a translation does not
> exist, or a catalog does not exist, do we have a fast-path?
> So probably that variable needs to be allocated statically.

The ResourceManager does not load anything at the time of construction. It
loads ResourceSets when they are needed by a GetString or GetObject call.
Furthermore it falls back to InvariantCulture whose ResourceSet is
GetTextResourceSet that simply retrurns the string passed as argument and
uses no Hashtable to cache string resources. It's better to use a custom
ResourceSet because this let us to take advantage all the features of

> Also, to apply this kind of patch that will affect everything, I would
> like to know in advance the memory footprint (running mono --profile
> before/after should tell us this) and how much extra code is JITed at
> startup (how much slower this becomes for a sample program).

I agree with Ben that string are localized only several time and the little
performance overhead caused by localization can be ignored. (The overhead
should be little.)

And also note that currently there will be little difference because there
are no other languages just English that is in the code of assemblies so not
caching will be done. MWF uses object resources as well but it will not
result in overhead because it currently uses the same ResourceManager and
ResourceSet that will be used by this Locale.cs.

And as I told several times in this topic the current ResourceSet is not
efficient. ResourceManager of MS.NET uses a custom resource set called
RuntimeResourceSet (private type, ResourceSet of MS.NET does the same as
Mono's one) that loads each resource (either string or object) when it is
needed instead of loading all of them at construction. It caches resource
once they was loaded. This could be used in Mono as well or if we want we
could use a ResourceSet that does no caching at all. But the advantages and
disadvantages of using no cache should be compared in real life before
making a decission.

Note that the above problem will not cause any CPU or memory overhead yet
because we have only English texts yet without .resources files.

> Am starting to understand your point of view on the translation
> technique, and it might be worth switching to the key/string translation
> scheme.

It's good.:) By the way, the most important thing: key/string technique will
have the same performance and memory requirements if you use the same
ResourceManager and ResourceSet classes. The only difference will be that it
will look up even English resources in a file that means some performance
overhead but I think it's so little that it can be ignored.

The problem of resource caching is the same for both techniques: If you
cache resources they will be faster to retrieve the next time but will need
memory to cache them. And of course neither of these techniques require
caching at all.

And of course ResourceManager can use both techniques. Andreas Nahr was
talking about a custom infrastructure instead of ResourceManager but I think
it's useless to use different resource format because .resources files are

The most important difference is that while identifiers are permanent
English texts may change that requires new satellite assemblies for all of
the languages altough the texts of the other languages are not changed.

> From: Ben Maurer
> Anyways, the biggest source of jit'ing that i can see in that code is
> due to:
> typeof (Locale).Assembly.GetName ().Name
> Which, IIRC does a relatively wide range of stuff.

This is required to can use the same name for .resources file as the
assembly has. If you have a better code please let me know. By the way this
is called only once so I think if it has no critical drawbacks it's not a
big problem.


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