[Mono-devel-list] Repost 3: [PATCH] Fix NullReferenceException in DataView.cs

Marc Haisenko haisenko at webport.de
Thu Jul 14 03:38:00 EDT 2005

Hi folks,
this is the fourth time I'm sending this patch to this list: the first post 
got ignored, the second time it got accepted (applied by Miguel in r36917 on 
2004-12-01), then accidently reverted by Konstantin Triger in r44547 on 
2005-05-16 (he managed to replace the whole file with one that was partially 

I reposted the adapted patch a second time about a month ago as I noted that 
it isn't included in HEAD, which spawned concerns by Konstantin that the 
patch doesn't address a deeper design flaw, which I disagreed with. The 
complete code assumes rowCache is always an array instance and never null, 
and my patch assures it really is never null. But nothing happened, no reply, 
no applied patch.

So I'm sending this primitive patch again, since a project our company works 
on relies on the correct behaviour of DataView. Please, could someone 
re-apply it ? :-) Or at least this time tell me what's wrong with that patch 
and what design issue to address to fix it once and for all.

Thnx a lot,
Marc Haisenko

Marc Haisenko
Webport IT-Services GmbH
mailto: haisenko at webport.de
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