[Mono-devel-list] problems wih decimal on cygwin
Atsushi Eno
atsushi at ximian.com
Wed Jul 6 07:17:37 EDT 2005
Then bugzilla is the way to go ;-)
Atsushi Eno
Konstantin Triger wrote:
> Hi Eno,
> I think not:
> In the reported bug mono divides exactly, while in .Net the result is
> rounded.
> I have a situation when the result is wrong (0/x != 0) and an exception
> is thrown. When I test it with mono 2.0 it works correctly. I also
> suppose that on linux the issue will disappear.
> Regards,
> Konstantin Triger
> Atsushi Eno wrote:
>> Hi Kosta,
>> Maybe the same or similar bug as #71287?
>> http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=71287
>> Atsushi Eno
>> Konstantin Triger wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I run the following code on cygwin:
>>> decimal d1 = 0;
>>> decimal d = d1 / 10000000000000000000000000000M;
>>> Console.WriteLine( d > 0 );
>>> decimal d2 = 1;
>>> decimal d3 = d2 + d;
>>> Console.WriteLine( d3 );
>>> and the output it produces is:
>>> True
>>> Unhandled Exception: System.OverflowException: Overflow on adding
>>> decimal number
>>> in <0x00063> System.Decimal:Add (Decimal d1, Decimal d2)
>>> in <0x0004a> System.Decimal:op_Addition (Decimal d1, Decimal d2)
>>> in <0x001e8> Class1:Main (System.String[] args)
>>> Has anyone run into this situation?
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