[Mono-devel-list] Cannot run Monodoc on Suse 9.1

Daniele Bellucci dbellucci at solgenia.com
Wed Jan 12 06:55:24 EST 2005

Hi All,
i just install monodoc from the excellent red-carpet
by using the mono channel.

Everything looks fine, but when i try to launch monodoc
i get the following:

Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: gtkhtml-3.0
in <0x00053> (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.HTML:gtk_html_new ()
in <0x0007d> Gtk.HTML:.ctor ()
in [0x001aa] (at
/home/duncan/conf/mono-conf/monodoc/BUILD/monodoc-1.0.5/browser/browser.cs:225) Monodoc.Browser:.ctor ()
in [0x0017a] (at
/home/duncan/conf/mono-conf/monodoc/BUILD/monodoc-1.0.5/browser/browser.cs:95) Monodoc.Driver:Main (string[])
I tried to add the following entry in my /etc/mono/config:
<dllmap dll="gtkhtml.dll" target="libgtkhtml-3.0.so>

but it doesn't works.

Off course i'have libgtkhtml-3.0 in /opt/gnome/lib.

Can anyone help me?

tnx in avance!

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