[Mono-devel-list] Adrotators crashing IE? Update

Jason Starin | Giant Head jasonstarin at giant-head.com
Fri Jan 7 10:55:47 EST 2005

I have more information on this problem and wondered if anyone had any
insight, even though I'm becoming more and more suspicious that this is a
microsoft issue.  I was mistaken that the ordinary base adrotator could
recreate the problem.  I had substituted some xml pages with xslt called for
client side transformation of those xml pages.  I then discovered that if
you leave the first page there and just minimize it you can close and open
as many other ads as you choose.

The problem doesn't occur with normal text or image links, so my question
is, what's different about the adrotator links that would make them handle
this differently?  Is the implementation the same as in the microsoft

-----Original Message-----
From: mono-devel-list-admin at lists.ximian.com
[mailto:mono-devel-list-admin at lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Jason Starin |
Giant Head
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 3:39 PM
To: mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com
Subject: [Mono-devel-list] Adrotators crashing IE?

I have some plain old adrotators on webform pages, that are called to an
html page as iframes.

The adrotators work, but something fishy happens if I close the first window
to a page from one of the adrotators.  If I then click on another adrotator,
the page comes up, freezes and then crashes IE.  But the weird thing is it
doesn't affect all machines the same exact way!  Some XP IE boxes work fine.
All Mozilla based browsers are fine, but every user with XP home edition and
IE 6.0 seems affected, and every user with Win2000 Pro with IE 6.0 seems
affected, while XP Pro users with IE 6.0 seem unaffected.  It doesn't seem
to matter about SP 1 for IE 6.0

To reproduce the problem, use the standard mono sample web_adrotator.aspx
and call it onto an html page in an iframe like this:
<iframe src="http://thesite/aspnet/web_adrotator.aspx"
name="adscroller_uniquenameforeach1" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"
frameborder="0" width="120px" height="65px" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Anyone got a fix or something I'm overlooking?  Is this a problem for all


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