[Mono-devel-list] Internationalisation

Rafael Teixeira monoman at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 10:28:27 EDT 2005

Hi Paul,

It seems like you didn't embed or link your resources in the
compilation command line, so sure it wouldn't find any resource to
load at run-time... Be sure to include them when compiling.

As you asked about compiling to a winexe target in another email, it
seems like you didn't do your homework on command line options for the
compiler (either csc/mcs).

Homework: go extensively over 'man mcs' and contrast with csc
documentation at msdn.

Well, but now seriously: Most people doesn't have a clue of how many
things the IDEs (VS.NET, SD, MD, XD) do behind the curtain about
compilation, so I think you won't be the last one to ask such
questions, or fumble on basic compilation concepts.

Key rule for begginers: first try 'man', and if 'man' doesn't help
enough 'google' is your handy learning tool...


On 8/2/05, Paul <paul at all-the-johnsons.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a small piece of code (which uses SWF, but the problem is not
> there) below. It compiles fine and runs. However, if I click on the
> Swahili radio button, I get the errors set out beneath the source.
> Is internationalisation on the todo list or is this something I need to
> put into bugzilla?
> Paul
> using System;
> using System.Drawing;
> using System.Resources;
> using System.Globalization;
> using System.Windows.Forms;
> class International : Form
> {
>   ResourceManager rm;
>   Label man;
>   Label woman;
>   public International()
>   {
>     rm = new ResourceManager(typeof(International));
>     RadioButton eng = new RadioButton();
>     eng.Checked = true;
>     eng.Location = new Point(10, 10);
>     eng.Text = "English";
>     eng.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(LoadUSResources);
>     RadioButton swa = new RadioButton();
>     swa.Location = new Point(10, 30);
>     swa.Text = "Swahili";
>     swa.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(LoadSwahiliResources);
>     man = new Label();
>     man.Location = new Point(10, 60);
>     man.Text = "Man";
>     woman = new Label();
>     woman.Location = new Point(10, 90);
>     woman.Text = "Woman";
>     Controls.AddRange(new Control[] {eng, swa, man, woman} );
>     Text = "International";
>   }
>   public void LoadUSResources(object src, EventArgs a)
>   {
>     if (((RadioButton)src).Checked == true)
>     {
>       ResourceSet rs = rm.GetResourceSet(new CultureInfo("en-GB"), true,
> true);
>       SetLabels(rs);
>     }
>   }
>   public void LoadSwahiliResources(object src, EventArgs a)
>   {
>     if (((RadioButton)src).Checked == true)
>     {
>       ResourceSet rs = rm.GetResourceSet(new CultureInfo("sw"), true,
> true);
>       SetLabels(rs);
>     }
>   }
>   private void SetLabels(ResourceSet rs)
>   {
>     man.Text = rs.GetString("Man");
>     woman.Text = rs.GetString("Woman");
>   }
>   public static void Main()
>   {
>     Application.Run(new International());
>   }
> }
> mcs international.cs -r:System.Windows.Forms -r:System.Drawing
> mono international.exe
> Unhandled Exception: System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException:
> Could not find any resource appropiate for the specified culture or its
> parents. Make sure "International.resources" was correctly embedded or
> linked into assembly "international".
> in <0x002ea> System.Resources.ResourceManager:InternalGetResourceSet
> (System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, Boolean Createifnotexists,
> Boolean tryParents)
> in <0x00409> System.Resources.ResourceManager:InternalGetResourceSet
> (System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, Boolean Createifnotexists,
> Boolean tryParents)
> in <0x0003f> System.Resources.ResourceManager:GetResourceSet
> (System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, Boolean createIfNotExists,
> Boolean tryParents)
> in <0x000b9> International:LoadSwahiliResources (System.Object src,
> System.EventArgs a)
> in (wrapper delegate-invoke)
> System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_EventArgs
> (object,System.EventArgs)
> in <0x00023> System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton:OnCheckedChanged
> (System.EventArgs e)
> in <0x0003f> System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton:set_Checked (Boolean
> value)
> in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
> System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton:set_Checked (bool)
> in <0x0002f> System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton:OnClick (System.EventArgs
> e)
> in <0x00011> System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton:ReceivedFocus
> (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
> in (wrapper delegate-invoke)
> System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_EventArgs
> (object,System.EventArgs)
> in <0x00023> System.Windows.Forms.Control:OnGotFocus (System.EventArgs
> e)
> in <0x00020> System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase:OnGotFocus
> (System.EventArgs e)
> in <0x012a9> System.Windows.Forms.Control:WndProc
> (System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
> in <0x00066> System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase:WndProc
> (System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
> in <0x00014> System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow:WndProc
> (System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
> in <0x0011b> System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow:WndProc (IntPtr hWnd, Msg
> msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
> in <0x00016> System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIX11:DispatchMessage
> (System.Windows.Forms.MSG msg)
> in <0x00015> System.Windows.Forms.XplatUI:DispatchMessage
> (System.Windows.Forms.MSG msg)
> in <0x001f2> System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run ()
> in <0x000a6> System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run
> (System.Windows.Forms.ApplicationContext context)
> in <0x0002e> System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run
> (System.Windows.Forms.Form mainForm)
> in <0x0001f> International:Main ()
> --
> "Some people will do anything for a woman in uniform" - The Doctor -
> Unregenerate (Big Finish audio)
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQBC74CMusSVe5EZv3wRAhNwAJ4u+ITzyI17e7qIQt2r0tA+L7zzywCePsr4
> =z4iv
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Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
I'm trying to become a "Rosh Gadol" before my own eyes. 
See http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2004/12/06.html for enlightment.
It hurts!

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