[Mono-devel-list] Patch for bug #54797

Francois Beauchemin beauche at softhome.net
Wed Mar 17 16:13:22 EST 2004

Gonzalo Paniagua Javier wrote:

>Patch applied, thanks.
>However, you seem to have converted all your files to unix endings,
>which made the patch unusable. I had to convert to DOS format for a few
>of files which already have that.
Yeah maybe . I've converted to unix and before supply de patch I've 
reconverted to DOS...
Its annoying that some of the file (not all .... ) in 
System.Text.RegularExpression is in DOS format ...

Thanks. Now I can continue to works on IL Regex :)

Francois Beauchemin
TIP-MONO (university Laval)

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