[Mono-devel-list] Patch for full-featured mcs /doc support
Marek Safar
marek.safar at seznam.cz
Wed Dec 1 07:39:39 EST 2004
>Miguel asked me to extract /doc specific stuff from large sources,
>so I did that. Now we have new doc.cs and I added some static methods
>that handles the bodies of GenerateDocument() logic. The added members
>are still in class.cs etc, but they are just wrappers (I needed them
>not to make method overrides into complicated code).
I don't like classes where all methods are static, especially when they
accept same arguments.
>Index: cs-tokenizer.cs
>--- cs-tokenizer.cs (revision 36885)
>+++ cs-tokenizer.cs (working copy)
>@@ -42,6 +42,17 @@
> bool handle_assembly = false;
> //
>+ // XML documentation buffer. The save point is used to divide
>+ // comments on types and comments on members.
>+ //
>+ StringBuilder xml_comment_buffer;
>+ //
>+ // See comment on XmlCommentState enumeration.
>+ //
>+ XmlCommentState xmlDocState = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ //
> // Whether tokens have been seen on this line
> //
> bool tokens_seen = false;
>@@ -132,6 +143,18 @@
> handle_remove_add = value;
> }
> }
>+ public XmlCommentState doc_state {
>+ get { return xmlDocState; }
>+ set {
>+ if (value == XmlCommentState.Allowed) {
>+ check_incorrect_doc_comment ();
>+ consume_doc_comment ();
>+ }
>+ xmlDocState = value;
>+ }
>+ }
> //
> // Class variables
>@@ -362,6 +385,8 @@
> define (def);
> }
>+ xml_comment_buffer = new StringBuilder ();
> //
> // FIXME: This could be `Location.Push' but we have to
> // find out why the MS compiler allows this
>@@ -411,6 +436,9 @@
> case '}':
> return Token.CLOSE_BRACE;
> case '[':
>+ // To block doccomment inside attribute declaration.
>+ if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.Allowed)
>+ doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
> return Token.OPEN_BRACKET;
> case ']':
> return Token.CLOSE_BRACKET;
>@@ -1741,6 +1769,15 @@
> {
> int res = consume_identifier (s, false);
>+ if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.Allowed)
>+ doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
>+ switch (res) {
>+ case Token.USING:
>+ case Token.NAMESPACE:
>+ check_incorrect_doc_comment ();
>+ break;
>+ }
> if (res == Token.PARTIAL) {
> // Save current position and parse next token.
> int old = reader.Position;
>@@ -1862,6 +1899,13 @@
> if (d == '/'){
> getChar ();
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null && peekChar () == '/') {
>+ getChar ();
>+ if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.Allowed)
>+ handle_one_line_xml_comment ();
>+ else if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.NotAllowed)
>+ warn_incorrect_doc_comment ();
>+ }
> while ((d = getChar ()) != -1 && (d != '\n') && d != '\r')
> col++;
> if (d == '\n'){
>@@ -1874,13 +1918,35 @@
> continue;
> } else if (d == '*'){
> getChar ();
>+ bool docAppend = false;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null && peekChar () == '*') {
>+ getChar ();
>+ // But when it is /**/, just do nothing.
>+ if (peekChar () == '/') {
>+ getChar ();
>+ continue;
>+ }
>+ if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.Allowed)
>+ docAppend = true;
>+ else if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.NotAllowed)
>+ warn_incorrect_doc_comment ();
>+ }
>+ int currentCommentStart = 0;
>+ if (docAppend) {
>+ currentCommentStart = xml_comment_buffer.Length;
>+ xml_comment_buffer.Append (Environment.NewLine);
>+ }
> while ((d = getChar ()) != -1){
> if (d == '*' && peekChar () == '/'){
> getChar ();
> col++;
> break;
> }
>+ if (docAppend)
>+ xml_comment_buffer.Append ((char) d);
> if (d == '\n'){
> line++;
> ref_line++;
>@@ -1889,6 +1955,8 @@
> tokens_seen = false;
> }
> }
>+ if (docAppend)
>+ update_formatted_doc_comment (currentCommentStart);
> continue;
> }
> goto is_punct_label;
>@@ -2037,6 +2105,97 @@
> return Token.EOF;
> }
>+ //
>+ // Handles one line xml comment
>+ //
>+ private void handle_one_line_xml_comment ()
>+ {
>+ int c;
>+ while ((c = peekChar ()) == ' ')
>+ getChar (); // skip heading whitespaces.
>+ while ((c = peekChar ()) != -1 && (c != '\n') && c != '\r') {
>+ col++;
>+ xml_comment_buffer.Append ((char) getChar ());
>+ }
>+ if (c == '\r') {
>+ getChar ();
>+ xml_comment_buffer.Append ('\r');
>+ if (peekChar () == '\n')
>+ xml_comment_buffer.Append ('\n');
>+ }
>+ else if (c == '\n')
>+ xml_comment_buffer.Append ('\n');
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Remove heading "*" in Javadoc-like xml documentation.
>+ //
>+ private void update_formatted_doc_comment (int currentCommentStart)
>+ {
>+ int length = xml_comment_buffer.Length - currentCommentStart;
>+ string [] lines = xml_comment_buffer.ToString (
>+ currentCommentStart,
>+ length).Split ('\n');
>+ // The first line starts with /**, thus it is not target
>+ // for the format check.
>+ for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) {
>+ string s = lines [i];
>+ int idx = s.IndexOf ('*');
>+ string head = null;
>+ if (idx < 0) {
>+ if (i < lines.Length - 1)
>+ return;
>+ head = s;
>+ }
>+ else
>+ head = s.Substring (0, idx);
>+ foreach (char c in head)
>+ if (c != ' ')
>+ return;
>+ lines [i] = s.Substring (idx + 1);
>+ }
>+ xml_comment_buffer.Remove (currentCommentStart, length);
>+ xml_comment_buffer.Insert (
>+ currentCommentStart,
>+ String.Join ("\n", lines));
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Checks if there was incorrect doc comments and raise
>+ // warnings.
>+ //
>+ public void check_incorrect_doc_comment ()
>+ {
>+ if (xml_comment_buffer.Length > 0)
>+ warn_incorrect_doc_comment ();
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Raises a warning when tokenizer found incorrect doccomment
>+ // markup.
>+ //
>+ private void warn_incorrect_doc_comment ()
>+ {
>+ doc_state = XmlCommentState.Error;
>+ // in csc, it is 'XML comment is not placed on a valid
>+ // language element'. But that does not make sense.
>+ Report.Warning (1587, 2, Location, "XML comment is placed on an invalid language element which can not accept it.");
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Consumes the saved xml comment lines (if any)
>+ // as for current target member or type.
>+ //
>+ public string consume_doc_comment ()
>+ {
>+ if (xml_comment_buffer.Length > 0) {
>+ string ret = xml_comment_buffer.ToString ();
>+ xml_comment_buffer.Length = 0;
>+ return ret;
>+ }
>+ return null;
>+ }
> public void cleanup ()
> {
> if (ifstack != null && ifstack.Count >= 1) {
>@@ -2049,4 +2208,18 @@
> }
> }
>+ //
>+ // Indicates whether it accepts XML documentation or not.
>+ //
>+ public enum XmlCommentState {
>+ // comment is allowed in this state.
>+ Allowed,
>+ // comment is not allowed in this state.
>+ NotAllowed,
>+ // once comments appeared when it is NotAllowed, then the
>+ // state is changed to it, until the state is changed to
>+ // .Allowed.
>+ Error
>+ }
> }
>Index: mcs.exe.sources
>--- mcs.exe.sources (revision 36885)
>+++ mcs.exe.sources (working copy)
>@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
> convert.cs
> decl.cs
> delegate.cs
> enum.cs
> ecore.cs
> expression.cs
>Index: rootcontext.cs
>--- rootcontext.cs (revision 36885)
>+++ rootcontext.cs (working copy)
>@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
> using System.Reflection;
> using System.Reflection.Emit;
> using System.Diagnostics;
>+using System.Xml;
> namespace Mono.CSharp {
>@@ -80,6 +81,11 @@
> public static bool StrongNameDelaySign = false;
> //
>+ // If set, enable XML documentation generation
>+ //
>+ public static Documentation Documentation;
>+ //
> // Constructor
> //
> static RootContext ()
>Index: class.cs
>--- class.cs (revision 36885)
>+++ class.cs (working copy)
>@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
> using System.Security;
> using System.Security.Permissions;
> using System.Text;
>+using System.Xml;
> using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter;
>@@ -432,7 +433,7 @@
> // Pointers to the default constructor and the default static constructor
> //
> protected Constructor default_constructor;
>- protected Constructor default_static_constructor;
>+ public Constructor default_static_constructor;
> //
> // Whether we have at least one non-static field
>@@ -2396,6 +2397,19 @@
> return FindMembers (mt, bf | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly, null, null);
> }
>+ //
>+ // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required,
>+ // handle warning report.
>+ //
>+ internal override void GenerateDocComment (DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ DocUtil.GenerateTypeDocComment (this, ds);
>+ }
>+ public override string DocCommentHeader {
>+ get { return "T:"; }
>+ }
> public virtual MemberCache ParentCache {
> get {
> return parent_cache;
>@@ -3296,6 +3310,34 @@
> return true;
> }
>+ //
>+ // Returns a string that represents the signature for this
>+ // member which should be used in XML documentation.
>+ //
>+ public override string GetDocCommentName (DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ return DocUtil.GetMethodDocCommentName (this, ds);
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Raised (and passed an XmlElement that contains the comment)
>+ // when GenerateDocComment is writing documentation expectedly.
>+ //
>+ // FIXME: with a few effort, it could be done with XmlReader,
>+ // that means removal of DOM use.
>+ //
>+ internal override void OnGenerateDocComment (DeclSpace ds, XmlElement el)
>+ {
>+ DocUtil.OnMethodGenerateDocComment (this, ds, el);
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Represents header string for documentation comment.
>+ //
>+ public override string DocCommentHeader {
>+ get { return "M:"; }
>+ }
> protected override void VerifyObsoleteAttribute()
> {
> base.VerifyObsoleteAttribute ();
>@@ -5224,6 +5266,13 @@
> base.Emit ();
> }
>+ //
>+ // Represents header string for documentation comment.
>+ //
>+ public override string DocCommentHeader {
>+ get { return "F:"; }
>+ }
> }
> //
>@@ -5532,6 +5581,13 @@
> }
> }
>+ //
>+ // Represents header string for documentation comment.
>+ //
>+ public override string DocCommentHeader {
>+ get { throw new InvalidOperationException ("Unexpected attempt to get doc comment from " + this.GetType () + "."); }
>+ }
> protected override void VerifyObsoleteAttribute()
> {
> }
>@@ -5982,6 +6038,13 @@
> return attribute_targets;
> }
> }
>+ //
>+ // Represents header string for documentation comment.
>+ //
>+ public override string DocCommentHeader {
>+ get { return "P:"; }
>+ }
> }
> public class Property : PropertyBase, IIteratorContainer {
>@@ -6626,6 +6689,13 @@
> return TypeManager.GetFullNameSignature (EventBuilder);
> }
>+ //
>+ // Represents header string for documentation comment.
>+ //
>+ public override string DocCommentHeader {
>+ get { return "E:"; }
>+ }
> }
>Index: decl.cs
>--- decl.cs (revision 36885)
>+++ decl.cs (working copy)
>@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
> using System.Globalization;
> using System.Reflection.Emit;
> using System.Reflection;
>+using System.Xml;
> namespace Mono.CSharp {
>@@ -138,6 +139,17 @@
> /// </summary>
> public readonly Location Location;
>+ /// <summary>
>+ /// XML documentation comment
>+ /// </summary>
>+ public string DocComment;
>+ /// <summary>
>+ /// Represents header string for documentation comment
>+ /// for each member types.
>+ /// </summary>
>+ public abstract string DocCommentHeader { get; }
> [Flags]
> public enum Flags {
> Obsolete_Undetected = 1, // Obsolete attribute has not been detected yet
>@@ -292,7 +304,7 @@
> /// <summary>
> /// Returns true when MemberCore is exposed from assembly.
> /// </summary>
>- protected bool IsExposedFromAssembly (DeclSpace ds)
>+ public bool IsExposedFromAssembly (DeclSpace ds)
> {
> if ((ModFlags & (Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.PROTECTED)) == 0)
> return false;
>@@ -364,6 +376,34 @@
> protected abstract void VerifyObsoleteAttribute ();
>+ //
>+ // Raised (and passed an XmlElement that contains the comment)
>+ // when GenerateDocComment is writing documentation expectedly.
>+ //
>+ internal virtual void OnGenerateDocComment (DeclSpace ds, XmlElement intermediateNode)
>+ {
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Returns a string that represents the signature for this
>+ // member which should be used in XML documentation.
>+ //
>+ public virtual string GetDocCommentName (DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ if (ds == null || this is DeclSpace)
>+ return DocCommentHeader + Name;
>+ else
>+ return String.Concat (DocCommentHeader, ds.Name, ".", Name);
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required,
>+ // handle warning report.
>+ //
>+ internal virtual void GenerateDocComment (DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ DocUtil.GenerateDocComment (this, ds);
>+ }
> }
> /// <summary>
>@@ -1326,7 +1366,7 @@
> IDictionaryEnumerator it = parent.member_hash.GetEnumerator ();
> while (it.MoveNext ()) {
> hash [it.Key] = ((ArrayList) it.Value).Clone ();
>- }
>+ }
> return hash;
> }
>Index: delegate.cs
>--- delegate.cs (revision 36885)
>+++ delegate.cs (working copy)
>@@ -643,6 +643,13 @@
> }
> }
>+ //
>+ // Represents header string for documentation comment.
>+ //
>+ public override string DocCommentHeader {
>+ get { return "T:"; }
>+ }
> protected override void VerifyObsoleteAttribute()
> {
> CheckUsageOfObsoleteAttribute (ret_type);
>Index: cs-parser.jay
>--- cs-parser.jay (revision 36885)
>+++ cs-parser.jay (working copy)
>@@ -81,6 +81,14 @@
> /// The current file.
> ///
> SourceFile file;
>+ ///
>+ /// Temporary Xml documentation cache.
>+ /// For enum types, we need one more temporary store.
>+ ///
>+ string tmpComment;
>+ string enumTypeComment;
> /// Current attribute target
>@@ -284,7 +292,13 @@
> opt_EOF
> : /* empty */
>+ {
>+ Lexer.check_incorrect_doc_comment ();
>+ }
> | EOF
>+ {
>+ Lexer.check_incorrect_doc_comment ();
>+ }
> ;
> outer_declarations
>@@ -304,7 +318,15 @@
> using_directive
> : using_alias_directive
>+ {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> | using_namespace_directive
>+ {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> ;
> using_alias_directive
>@@ -375,6 +397,10 @@
> namespace_body
>+ {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> opt_using_directives
> opt_namespace_member_declarations
>@@ -491,6 +517,13 @@
> } else {
> $$ = new Attributes (sect);
> }
>+ if ($$ == null) {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ Lexer.check_incorrect_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state =
>+ XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
>+ }
> } else {
> $$ = new Attributes (sect);
> }
>@@ -746,9 +779,16 @@
> if ($7 != null)
> current_class.Bases = (ArrayList) $7;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ current_class.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
> current_class.Register ();
> }
> struct_body
>+ {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> opt_semicolon
> {
> $$ = current_class;
>@@ -762,7 +802,12 @@
> ;
> struct_body
>- : OPEN_BRACE opt_struct_member_declarations CLOSE_BRACE
>+ {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
>+ opt_struct_member_declarations CLOSE_BRACE
> ;
> opt_struct_member_declarations
>@@ -814,6 +859,10 @@
> (Expression) constant.expression_or_array_initializer, modflags,
> (Attributes) $1, l);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ c.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> current_container.AddConstant (c);
> }
> }
>@@ -866,6 +915,10 @@
> var.expression_or_array_initializer,
> (Attributes) $1, l);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ field.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> current_container.AddField (field);
> }
> }
>@@ -927,6 +980,8 @@
> method_declaration
> : method_header {
> iterator_container = (IIteratorContainer) $1;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
> }
> method_body
> {
>@@ -953,6 +1008,9 @@
> current_local_parameters = null;
> iterator_container = null;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
> }
> ;
>@@ -989,6 +1047,9 @@
> current_local_parameters = (Parameters) $6;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ method.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
> $$ = method;
> }
> | opt_attributes
>@@ -1003,6 +1064,10 @@
> (Attributes) $1, lexer.Location);
> current_local_parameters = (Parameters) $6;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ method.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
> $$ = method;
> }
> | opt_attributes
>@@ -1020,6 +1085,10 @@
> lexer.Location);
> current_local_parameters = (Parameters) $7;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ method.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
> $$ = method;
> }
> ;
>@@ -1163,7 +1232,12 @@
> property_declaration
> : opt_attributes
> opt_modifiers
>- type namespace_or_type_name
>+ type
>+ namespace_or_type_name
>+ {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ tmpComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ }
> {
> implicit_value_parameter_type = (Expression) $3;
>@@ -1181,11 +1255,11 @@
> {
> Property prop;
>- Pair pair = (Pair) $7;
>+ Pair pair = (Pair) $8;
> Accessor get_block = (Accessor) pair.First;
> Accessor set_block = (Accessor) pair.Second;
>- Location loc = (Location) $6;
>+ Location loc = (Location) $7;
> MemberName name = (MemberName) $4;
> prop = new Property (current_class, (Expression) $3, (int) $2, false,
>@@ -1196,6 +1270,10 @@
> current_container.AddProperty (prop);
> implicit_value_parameter_type = null;
> iterator_container = null;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ prop.DocComment = ConsumeStoredComment ();
> }
> ;
>@@ -1236,6 +1314,10 @@
> $$ = new Accessor ((ToplevelBlock) $5, (int) $2, (Attributes) $1, lexer.Location);
> current_local_parameters = null;
> lexer.PropertyParsing = true;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ if (Lexer.doc_state == XmlCommentState.Error)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
> }
> ;
>@@ -1273,6 +1355,10 @@
> $$ = new Accessor ((ToplevelBlock) $5, (int) $2, (Attributes) $1, lexer.Location);
> current_local_parameters = null;
> lexer.PropertyParsing = true;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null
>+ && Lexer.doc_state == XmlCommentState.Error)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
> }
> ;
>@@ -1310,6 +1396,11 @@
> {
> current_class.Bases = (ArrayList) $7;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ current_class.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> current_class.Register ();
> }
> interface_body
>@@ -1470,6 +1561,8 @@
> new MemberName (TypeContainer.DefaultIndexerName),
> (int) $2, true, (Parameters) $6, (Attributes) $1,
> info.Get, info.Set, lexer.Location);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ ((Indexer) $$).DocComment = ConsumeStoredComment ();
> }
> ;
>@@ -1493,6 +1586,9 @@
> new Parameters (param_list, null, decl.location),
> (ToplevelBlock) $5, (Attributes) $1, decl.location);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ op.DocComment = ConsumeStoredComment ();
> if (SimpleIteratorContainer.Simple.Yields)
> op.SetYields ();
>@@ -1522,12 +1618,18 @@
> op = Operator.OpType.UnaryNegation;
> Parameter [] pars = new Parameter [1];
>+ Expression type = (Expression) $5;
>- pars [0] = new Parameter ((Expression) $5, (string) $6, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null);
>+ pars [0] = new Parameter (type, (string) $6, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null);
> current_local_parameters = new Parameters (pars, null, lexer.Location);
>- $$ = new OperatorDeclaration (op, (Expression) $1, (Expression) $5, (string) $6,
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ tmpComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
>+ $$ = new OperatorDeclaration (op, (Expression) $1, type, (string) $6,
> null, null, lexer.Location);
> }
> | type OPERATOR overloadable_operator
>@@ -1536,18 +1638,26 @@
> {
>- CheckBinaryOperator ((Operator.OpType) $3);
>+ CheckBinaryOperator ((Operator.OpType) $3);
>- Parameter [] pars = new Parameter [2];
>+ Parameter [] pars = new Parameter [2];
>- pars [0] = new Parameter ((Expression) $5, (string) $6, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null);
>- pars [1] = new Parameter ((Expression) $8, (string) $9, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null);
>+ Expression typeL = (Expression) $5;
>+ Expression typeR = (Expression) $8;
>+ pars [0] = new Parameter (typeL, (string) $6, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null);
>+ pars [1] = new Parameter (typeR, (string) $9, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null);
> current_local_parameters = new Parameters (pars, null, lexer.Location);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ tmpComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> $$ = new OperatorDeclaration ((Operator.OpType) $3, (Expression) $1,
>- (Expression) $5, (string) $6,
>- (Expression) $8, (string) $9, lexer.Location);
>+ typeL, (string) $6,
>+ typeR, (string) $9, lexer.Location);
> }
> | conversion_operator_declarator
> ;
>@@ -1624,6 +1734,9 @@
> c.OptAttributes = (Attributes) $1;
> c.ModFlags = (int) $2;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ c.DocComment = ConsumeStoredComment ();
> if (c.Name == current_container.Basename){
> if ((c.ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0){
> if ((c.ModFlags & Modifiers.Accessibility) != 0){
>@@ -1657,22 +1770,30 @@
> current_container.AddConstructor (c);
> current_local_parameters = null;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
> }
> ;
> constructor_declarator
>+ {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ tmpComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
>+ }
> OPEN_PARENS opt_formal_parameter_list CLOSE_PARENS
> {
> oob_stack.Push (lexer.Location);
>- current_local_parameters = (Parameters) $3;
>+ current_local_parameters = (Parameters) $4;
> }
> opt_constructor_initializer
> {
> Location l = (Location) oob_stack.Pop ();
>- $$ = new Constructor (current_class, (string) $1, 0, (Parameters) $3,
>- (ConstructorInitializer) $6, l);
>+ $$ = new Constructor (current_class, (string) $1, 0, (Parameters) $4,
>+ (ConstructorInitializer) $7, l);
> }
> ;
>@@ -1708,9 +1829,16 @@
> ;
> destructor_declaration
>- : opt_attributes opt_finalizer TILDE IDENTIFIER OPEN_PARENS CLOSE_PARENS block
>+ : opt_attributes opt_finalizer TILDE
> {
>- if ((string) $4 != current_container.Basename){
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ tmpComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ {
>+ if ((string) $5 != current_container.Basename){
> Report.Error (574, lexer.Location, "Name of destructor must match name of class");
> } else if (!(current_container is Class)){
> Report.Error (575, lexer.Location, "Destructors are only allowed in class types");
>@@ -1734,8 +1862,10 @@
> Method d = new Destructor (
> current_class, TypeManager.system_void_expr, m, "Finalize",
> new Parameters (null, null, l), (Attributes) $1, l);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ d.DocComment = ConsumeStoredComment ();
>- d.Block = (ToplevelBlock) $7;
>+ d.Block = (ToplevelBlock) $8;
> current_container.AddMethod (d);
> }
> }
>@@ -1756,7 +1886,11 @@
> lexer.Location);
> current_container.AddEvent (e);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ e.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> }
> }
> | opt_attributes
>@@ -1788,7 +1922,11 @@
> current_class, (Expression) $4, (int) $2, false, name, null,
> (Attributes) $1, (Accessor) pair.First, (Accessor) pair.Second,
> loc);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ e.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> current_container.AddEvent (e);
> implicit_value_parameter_type = null;
> }
>@@ -1800,6 +1938,9 @@
> Report.Error (71, lexer.Location, "Explicit implementation of events requires property syntax");
> else
> Report.Error (71, lexer.Location, "Event declaration should use property syntax");
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
> }
> ;
>@@ -1910,6 +2051,8 @@
> indexer = new Indexer (current_class, decl.type, name,
> (int) $2, false, decl.param_list, (Attributes) $1,
> get_block, set_block, loc);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ indexer.DocComment = ConsumeStoredComment ();
> current_container.AddIndexer (indexer);
>@@ -1929,6 +2072,10 @@
> } else if (pars.FixedParameters == null && pars.ArrayParameter == null){
> Report.Error (1551, lexer.Location, "Indexers must have at least one parameter");
> }
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ tmpComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> $$ = new IndexerDeclaration ((Expression) $1, null, pars);
> }
>@@ -1942,8 +2089,14 @@
> } else if (pars.FixedParameters == null && pars.ArrayParameter == null){
> Report.Error (1551, lexer.Location, "Indexers must have at least one parameter");
> }
> MemberName name = (MemberName) $2;
> $$ = new IndexerDeclaration ((Expression) $1, name, pars);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ tmpComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> }
> ;
>@@ -1951,7 +2104,10 @@
> : opt_attributes
> opt_modifiers
>- opt_enum_base
>+ opt_enum_base {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ enumTypeComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ }
> enum_body
> opt_semicolon
> {
>@@ -1961,10 +2117,14 @@
> Enum e = new Enum (current_namespace, current_container, (Expression) $5, (int) $2,
> full_name, (Attributes) $1, enum_location);
>- foreach (VariableDeclaration ev in (ArrayList) $6) {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ e.DocComment = enumTypeComment;
>+ foreach (VariableDeclaration ev in (ArrayList) $7) {
> e.AddEnumMember (ev.identifier,
> (Expression) ev.expression_or_array_initializer,
>- ev.Location, ev.OptAttributes);
>+ ev.Location, ev.OptAttributes,
>+ ev.DocComment);
> }
> string name = full_name.GetName ();
>@@ -1980,10 +2140,21 @@
> ;
> enum_body
>- : OPEN_BRACE opt_enum_member_declarations CLOSE_BRACE
> {
>- $$ = $2;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
> }
>+ opt_enum_member_declarations
>+ {
>+ // here will be evaluated after CLOSE_BLACE is consumed.
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
>+ {
>+ $$ = $3;
>+ }
> ;
> opt_enum_member_declarations
>@@ -2012,15 +2183,31 @@
> enum_member_declaration
> : opt_attributes IDENTIFIER
> {
>- $$ = new VariableDeclaration ((string) $2, null, lexer.Location, (Attributes) $1);
>+ VariableDeclaration vd = new VariableDeclaration ((string) $2, null, lexer.Location, (Attributes) $1);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ vd.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
>+ $$ = vd;
> }
> | opt_attributes IDENTIFIER
> {
>- $$ = lexer.Location;
>+ $$ = lexer.Location;
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ tmpComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
>+ }
> }
> ASSIGN expression
> {
>- $$ = new VariableDeclaration ((string) $2, $5, lexer.Location, (Attributes) $1);
>+ VariableDeclaration vd = new VariableDeclaration ((string) $2, $5, lexer.Location, (Attributes) $1);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ vd.DocComment = ConsumeStoredComment ();
>+ $$ = vd;
> }
> ;
>@@ -2036,6 +2223,11 @@
> Delegate del = new Delegate (current_namespace, current_container, (Expression) $4,
> (int) $2, name, (Parameters) $7, (Attributes) $1, l);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ del.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> current_container.AddDelegate (del);
> RootContext.Tree.RecordDecl (name.GetName (true), del);
> }
>@@ -2052,6 +2244,11 @@
> TypeManager.system_void_expr, (int) $2, name,
> (Parameters) $7, (Attributes) $1, l);
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ del.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> current_container.AddDelegate (del);
> RootContext.Tree.RecordDecl (name.GetName (true), del);
> }
>@@ -3055,9 +3252,18 @@
> current_class.Bases = (ArrayList) $7;
> }
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null) {
>+ current_class.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> current_class.Register ();
> }
>- class_body
>+ class_body
>+ {
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null)
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ }
> opt_semicolon
> {
> $$ = current_class;
>@@ -4138,6 +4344,7 @@
> public object expression_or_array_initializer;
> public Location Location;
> public Attributes OptAttributes;
>+ public string DocComment;
> public VariableDeclaration (string id, object eoai, Location l, Attributes opt_attrs)
> {
>@@ -4482,5 +4689,13 @@
> CheckToken (1041, yyToken, "Identifier expected");
> }
>+string ConsumeStoredComment ()
>+ string s = tmpComment;
>+ tmpComment = null;
>+ Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
>+ return s;
> /* end end end */
> }
>Index: ChangeLog
>--- ChangeLog (revision 36885)
>+++ ChangeLog (working copy)
>@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
>+2004-11-30 Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi at ximian.com>
>+ all things are for /doc support:
>+ * driver.cs:
>+ Handle /doc command line option.
>+ Report error 2006 instead of 5 for missing file name for /doc.
>+ Added call to RootContext.GenerateDocComment() after type resolution.
>+ * cs-tokenizer.cs:
>+ Added support for picking up documentation (/// and /** ... */),
>+ including a new XmlCommentState enumeration.
>+ * cs-parser.jay:
>+ Added lines to fill Documentation element for field, constant,
>+ property, indexer, method, constructor, destructor, operator, event
>+ and class, struct, interface, delegate, enum.
>+ Added lines to warn incorrect comment.
>+ * rootcontext.cs :
>+ Added NeedDocument, XmlCommentOutput and XmlDocumentation (values
>+ are passed only when /doc was specified).
>+ Added StoredDocuments() to cache <include>d xml comment documents.
>+ Added static GenerateDocComment().
>+ * decl.cs:
>+ Added DocComment, DocCommentHeader, GenerateDocComment() and
>+ OnGenerateDocComment() and some supporting private members for
>+ /doc feature to MemberCore.
>+ * class.cs:
>+ Added GenerateDocComment() on TypeContainer, MethodCore and Operator.
>+ * delegate.cs:
>+ Added overriden DocCommentHeader.
>+ * enum.cs:
>+ Added overriden DocCommentHeader and GenerateDocComment().
> 2004-11-30 Raja R Harinath <rharinath at novell.com>
> * Makefile (mcs.exe) [PROFILE=default]: Keep a copy of mcs.exe in
>Index: driver.cs
>--- driver.cs (revision 36885)
>+++ driver.cs (working copy)
>@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
> using System.IO;
> using System.Text;
> using System.Globalization;
>+ using System.Xml;
> using System.Diagnostics;
> public enum Target {
>@@ -98,6 +99,11 @@
> static Encoding encoding;
> //
>+ // XML Comment documentation
>+ //
>+ static string xml_documentation_file;
>+ //
> // Whether the user has specified a different encoder manually
> //
> static bool using_default_encoder = true;
>@@ -220,6 +226,7 @@
> " -nostdlib[+|-] Does not load core libraries\n" +
> " -nowarn:W1[,W2] Disables one or more warnings\n" +
> " -out:FNAME Specifies output file\n" +
>+ " -doc:XMLFILE Generates xml documentation into specified file\n" +
> " -pkg:P1[,Pn] References packages P1..Pn\n" +
> " --expect-error X Expect that error X will be encountered\n" +
> " -recurse:SPEC Recursively compiles the files in SPEC ([dir]/file)\n" +
>@@ -1101,10 +1108,11 @@
> }
> case "/doc": {
> if (value == ""){
>- Report.Error (5, arg + " requires an argument");
>+ Report.Error (2006, arg + " requires an argument");
> Environment.Exit (1);
> }
>- // TODO handle the /doc argument to generate xml doc
>+ xml_documentation_file = value;
>+ RootContext.Documentation = new Documentation ();
> return true;
> }
> case "/lib": {
>@@ -1536,6 +1544,7 @@
> if (timestamps)
> ShowTime ("Resolving tree");
> RootContext.ResolveTree ();
> if (Report.Errors > 0)
> return false;
> if (timestamps)
>@@ -1546,6 +1555,13 @@
> RootContext.PopulateTypes ();
> RootContext.DefineTypes ();
>+ if (RootContext.Documentation != null &&
>+ !RootContext.Documentation.OutputDocComment (
>+ RootContext.Tree.Types,
>+ output_file,
>+ xml_documentation_file))
>+ return false;
> TypeManager.InitCodeHelpers ();
> //
>@@ -1735,7 +1751,6 @@
> #endif
> return (Report.Errors == 0);
> }
> }
> //
>Index: enum.cs
>--- enum.cs (revision 36885)
>+++ enum.cs (working copy)
>@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
> using System.Reflection;
> using System.Reflection.Emit;
> using System.Globalization;
>+using System.Xml;
> namespace Mono.CSharp {
>@@ -100,13 +101,17 @@
> protected override void VerifyObsoleteAttribute()
> {
> }
>+ public override string DocCommentHeader {
>+ get { return "F:"; }
>+ }
> }
> /// <summary>
> /// Enumeration container
> /// </summary>
> public class Enum : DeclSpace {
>- ArrayList ordered_enums;
>+ public ArrayList ordered_enums;
> public Expression BaseType;
>@@ -152,7 +157,7 @@
> /// Adds @name to the enumeration space, with @expr
> /// being its definition.
> /// </summary>
>- public void AddEnumMember (string name, Expression expr, Location loc, Attributes opt_attrs)
>+ public void AddEnumMember (string name, Expression expr, Location loc, Attributes opt_attrs, string documentation)
> {
> if (name == "value__") {
> Report.Error (76, loc, "An item in an enumeration can't have an identifier `value__'");
>@@ -160,6 +165,7 @@
> }
> EnumMember em = new EnumMember (this, expr, name, loc, opt_attrs);
>+ em.DocComment = documentation;
> if (!AddToContainer (em, false, name, ""))
> return;
>@@ -784,5 +790,21 @@
> {
> // UnderlyingType is never obsolete
> }
>+ //
>+ // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required,
>+ // handle warning report.
>+ //
>+ internal override void GenerateDocComment (DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ DocUtil.GenerateEnumDocComment (this, ds);
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Represents header string for documentation comment.
>+ //
>+ public override string DocCommentHeader {
>+ get { return "T:"; }
>+ }
> }
> }
>Index: doc.cs
>--- doc.cs (revision 0)
>+++ doc.cs (revision 0)
>@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
>+// doc.cs: Support for XML documentation comment.
>+// Author:
>+// Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi at ximian.com>
>+// Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL
>+// (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com)
>+using System;
>+using System.Collections;
>+using System.IO;
>+using System.Reflection;
>+using System.Reflection.Emit;
>+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
>+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
>+using System.Security;
>+using System.Security.Permissions;
>+using System.Text;
>+using System.Xml;
>+using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter;
>+namespace Mono.CSharp {
>+ //
>+ // Support class for XML documentation.
>+ //
>+ public class DocUtil
>+ {
>+ // TypeContainer
>+ //
>+ // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required,
>+ // handle warning report.
>+ //
>+ internal static void GenerateTypeDocComment (TypeContainer t,
>+ DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ GenerateDocComment (t, ds);
>+ if (t.default_static_constructor != null)
>+ t.default_static_constructor.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.InstanceConstructors != null)
>+ foreach (Constructor c in t.InstanceConstructors)
>+ c.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.Types != null)
>+ foreach (TypeContainer tc in t.Types)
>+ tc.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.Enums != null)
>+ foreach (Enum en in t.Enums)
>+ en.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.Constants != null)
>+ foreach (Const c in t.Constants)
>+ c.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.Fields != null)
>+ foreach (Field f in t.Fields)
>+ f.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.Events != null)
>+ foreach (Event e in t.Events)
>+ e.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.Indexers != null)
>+ foreach (Indexer ix in t.Indexers)
>+ ix.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.Properties != null)
>+ foreach (Property p in t.Properties)
>+ p.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.Methods != null)
>+ foreach (Method m in t.Methods)
>+ m.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ if (t.Operators != null)
>+ foreach (Operator o in t.Operators)
>+ o.GenerateDocComment (t);
>+ }
>+ // MemberCore
>+ private static XmlNode GetDocCommentNode (MemberCore mc,
>+ string name)
>+ {
>+ // FIXME: It could be even optimizable as not
>+ // to use XmlDocument. But anyways the nodes
>+ // are not kept in memory.
>+ XmlDocument doc = RootContext.Documentation.XmlDocumentation;
>+ try {
>+ XmlElement el = doc.CreateElement ("member");
>+ el.SetAttribute ("name", name);
>+ string normalized = mc.DocComment;
>+ el.InnerXml = normalized;
>+ // csc keeps lines as written in the sources
>+ // and inserts formatting indentation (which
>+ // is different from XmlTextWriter.Formatting
>+ // one), but when a start tag contains an
>+ // endline, it joins the next line. We don't
>+ // have to follow such a hacky behavior.
>+ string [] split =
>+ mc.DocComment.Split ('\n');
>+ int j = 0;
>+ for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) {
>+ string s = split [i].TrimEnd ();
>+ if (s.Length > 0)
>+ split [j++] = s;
>+ }
>+ el.InnerXml = String.Join (
>+ "\n ", split, 0, j);
>+ return el;
>+ } catch (XmlException ex) {
>+ Report.Warning (1570, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on '{0}' has non-well-formed XML ({1}).", name, ex.Message);
>+ XmlComment com = doc.CreateComment (String.Format ("FIXME: Invalid documentation markup was found for member {0}", name));
>+ return com;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required,
>+ // handle warning report.
>+ //
>+ internal static void GenerateDocComment (MemberCore mc,
>+ DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ if (mc.DocComment != null) {
>+ string name = mc.GetDocCommentName (ds);
>+ XmlNode n = GetDocCommentNode (mc, name);
>+ XmlElement el = n as XmlElement;
>+ if (el != null) {
>+ mc.OnGenerateDocComment (ds, el);
>+ // FIXME: it could be done with XmlReader
>+ foreach (XmlElement inc in n.SelectNodes (".//include"))
>+ HandleInclude (mc, inc);
>+ // FIXME: it could be done with XmlReader
>+ DeclSpace dsTarget = mc as DeclSpace;
>+ if (dsTarget == null)
>+ dsTarget = ds;
>+ foreach (XmlElement see in n.SelectNodes (".//see"))
>+ HandleSee (mc, dsTarget, name, see);
>+ foreach (XmlElement seealso in n.SelectNodes (".//seealso"))
>+ HandleSeeAlso (mc, dsTarget, name, seealso);
>+ }
>+ n.WriteTo (RootContext.Documentation.XmlCommentOutput);
>+ }
>+ else if (mc.IsExposedFromAssembly (ds) &&
>+ // There are no warnings when the container also
>+ // misses documentations.
>+ (ds == null || ds.DocComment != null))
>+ {
>+ Report.Warning (1591, 4, mc.Location,
>+ "Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member '{0}'", mc.GetSignatureForError ());
>+ }
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Processes "include" element. Check included file and
>+ // embed the document content inside this documentation node.
>+ //
>+ private static void HandleInclude (MemberCore mc, XmlElement el)
>+ {
>+ string file = el.GetAttribute ("file");
>+ string path = el.GetAttribute ("path");
>+ if (file == "") {
>+ Report.Warning (1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML 'include' element; Missing 'file' attribute.");
>+ el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" Include tag is invalid "), el);
>+ }
>+ else if (path == "") {
>+ Report.Warning (1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML 'include' element; Missing 'path' attribute.");
>+ el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" Include tag is invalid "), el);
>+ }
>+ else {
>+ XmlDocument doc = RootContext.Documentation.StoredDocuments [file] as XmlDocument;
>+ if (doc == null) {
>+ try {
>+ doc = new XmlDocument ();
>+ doc.Load (file);
>+ RootContext.Documentation.StoredDocuments.Add (file, doc);
>+ } catch (Exception) {
>+ el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (String.Format (" Badly formed XML in at comment file '{0}': cannot be included ", file)), el);
>+ Report.Warning (1592, 1, mc.Location, "Badly formed XML in included comments file -- '{0}'", file);
>+ }
>+ }
>+ bool keepIncludeNode = false;
>+ if (doc != null) {
>+ try {
>+ XmlNodeList nl = doc.SelectNodes (path);
>+ if (nl.Count == 0) {
>+ el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" No matching elements were found for the include tag embedded here. "), el);
>+ keepIncludeNode = true;
>+ }
>+ foreach (XmlNode n in nl)
>+ el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.ImportNode (n, true), el);
>+ } catch (Exception ex) {
>+ el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" Failed to insert some or all of included XML "), el);
>+ Report.Warning (1589, 1, mc.Location, "Unable to include XML fragment '{0}' of file {1} -- {2}.", path, file, ex.Message);
>+ }
>+ }
>+ if (!keepIncludeNode)
>+ el.ParentNode.RemoveChild (el);
>+ }
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Handles <see> elements.
>+ //
>+ private static void HandleSee (MemberCore mc,
>+ DeclSpace ds, string name, XmlElement see)
>+ {
>+ HandleXrefCommon (mc, ds, name, see);
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Handles <seealso> elements.
>+ //
>+ private static void HandleSeeAlso (MemberCore mc,
>+ DeclSpace ds, string name, XmlElement seealso)
>+ {
>+ HandleXrefCommon (mc, ds, name, seealso);
>+ }
>+ static readonly char [] wsChars =
>+ new char [] {' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'};
>+ //
>+ // returns a full runtime type name from a name which might
>+ // be C# specific type name.
>+ //
>+ private static Type FindDocumentedType (MemberCore mc,
>+ string identifier, DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ switch (identifier) {
>+ case "int":
>+ return typeof (int);
>+ case "uint":
>+ return typeof (uint);
>+ case "short":
>+ return typeof (short);
>+ case "ushort":
>+ return typeof (ushort);
>+ case "long":
>+ return typeof (long);
>+ case "ulong":
>+ return typeof (ulong);
>+ case "float":
>+ return typeof (float);
>+ case "double":
>+ return typeof (double);
>+ case "char":
>+ return typeof (char);
>+ case "decimal":
>+ return typeof (decimal);
>+ case "byte":
>+ return typeof (byte);
>+ case "sbyte":
>+ return typeof (sbyte);
>+ case "object":
>+ return typeof (object);
>+ case "bool":
>+ return typeof (bool);
>+ case "string":
>+ return typeof (string);
>+ case "void":
>+ return typeof (void);
>+ }
>+ return ds.FindType (mc.Location, identifier);
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Returns a MemberInfo that is referenced in XML documentation
>+ // (by "see" or "seealso" elements).
>+ //
>+ private static MemberInfo FindDocumentedMember (MemberCore mc,
>+ Type type, string memberName, Type [] paramList,
>+ DeclSpace ds, out int warningType, string cref)
>+ {
>+ warningType = 0;
>+ MethodSignature msig = new MethodSignature (memberName, null, paramList);
>+ MemberInfo [] mis = type.FindMembers (
>+ MemberTypes.All,
>+ BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance,
>+ MethodSignature.method_signature_filter,
>+ msig);
>+ if (mis.Length > 0)
>+ return mis [0];
>+ if (paramList.Length == 0) {
>+ // search for fields/events etc.
>+ mis = type.FindMembers (
>+ MemberTypes.All,
>+ BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance,
>+ Type.FilterName,
>+ memberName);
>+ return (mis.Length > 0) ? mis [0] : null;
>+ }
>+ // search for operators (whose parameters exactly
>+ // matches with the list) and possibly report CS1581.
>+ string oper = null;
>+ string returnTypeName = null;
>+ if (memberName.StartsWith ("implicit operator ")) {
>+ oper = "op_Implicit";
>+ returnTypeName = memberName.Substring (18).Trim (wsChars);
>+ }
>+ else if (memberName.StartsWith ("explicit operator ")) {
>+ oper = "op_Explicit";
>+ returnTypeName = memberName.Substring (18).Trim (wsChars);
>+ }
>+ else if (memberName.StartsWith ("operator ")) {
>+ oper = memberName.Substring (9).Trim (wsChars);
>+ switch (oper) {
>+ // either unary or binary
>+ case "+":
>+ oper = paramList.Length == 2 ?
>+ Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Addition] :
>+ Unary.oper_names [(int) Unary.Operator.UnaryPlus];
>+ break;
>+ case "-":
>+ oper = paramList.Length == 2 ?
>+ Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Subtraction] :
>+ Unary.oper_names [(int) Unary.Operator.UnaryNegation];
>+ break;
>+ // unary
>+ case "!":
>+ oper = Unary.oper_names [(int) Unary.Operator.LogicalNot]; break;
>+ case "~":
>+ oper = Unary.oper_names [(int) Unary.Operator.OnesComplement]; break;
>+ case "++":
>+ oper = "op_Increment"; break;
>+ case "--":
>+ oper = "op_Decrement"; break;
>+ case "true":
>+ oper = "op_True"; break;
>+ case "false":
>+ oper = "op_False"; break;
>+ // binary
>+ case "*":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Multiply]; break;
>+ case "/":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Division]; break;
>+ case "%":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Modulus]; break;
>+ case "&":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.BitwiseAnd]; break;
>+ case "|":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr]; break;
>+ case "^":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr]; break;
>+ case "<<":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.LeftShift]; break;
>+ case ">>":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.RightShift]; break;
>+ case "==":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Equality]; break;
>+ case "!=":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Inequality]; break;
>+ case "<":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.LessThan]; break;
>+ case ">":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.GreaterThan]; break;
>+ case "<=":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.LessThanOrEqual]; break;
>+ case ">=":
>+ oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual]; break;
>+ default:
>+ warningType = 1584;
>+ Report.Warning (1020, 1, mc.Location, "Overloadable {0} operator is expected", paramList.Length == 2 ? "binary" : "unary");
>+ Report.Warning (1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on '{0}' has syntactically incorrect attribute '{1}'", mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref);
>+ return null;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ // here we still does not consider return type (to
>+ // detect CS1581 or CS1002+CS1584).
>+ msig = new MethodSignature (oper, null, paramList);
>+ mis = type.FindMembers (
>+ MemberTypes.Method,
>+ BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static,
>+ MethodSignature.method_signature_filter,
>+ msig);
>+ if (mis.Length == 0)
>+ return null; // CS1574
>+ MemberInfo mi = mis [0];
>+ Type expected = mi is MethodInfo ?
>+ ((MethodInfo) mi).ReturnType :
>+ mi is PropertyInfo ?
>+ ((PropertyInfo) mi).PropertyType :
>+ null;
>+ if (returnTypeName != null) {
>+ Type returnType = FindDocumentedType (mc, returnTypeName, ds);
>+ if (returnType == null || returnType != expected) {
>+ warningType = 1581;
>+ Report.Warning (1581, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid return type in XML comment cref attribute '{0}'", cref);
>+ return null;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ return mis [0];
>+ }
>+ private static Type [] emptyParamList = new Type [0];
>+ //
>+ // Processes "see" or "seealso" elements.
>+ // Checks cref attribute.
>+ //
>+ private static void HandleXrefCommon (MemberCore mc,
>+ DeclSpace ds, string name, XmlElement xref)
>+ {
>+ string cref = xref.GetAttribute ("cref").Trim (wsChars);
>+ // when, XmlReader, "if (cref == null)"
>+ if (!xref.HasAttribute ("cref"))
>+ return;
>+ if (cref.Length == 0)
>+ Report.Warning (1001, 1, mc.Location, "Identifier expected");
>+ // ... and continue until CS1584.
>+ string signature, identifier, parameters;
>+ // strip 'T:' 'M:' 'F:' 'P:' 'E:' etc.
>+ // Here, MS ignores its member kind. No idea why.
>+ if (cref.Length > 2 && cref [1] == ':')
>+ signature = cref.Substring (2).Trim (wsChars);
>+ else
>+ signature = cref;
>+ int parensPos = signature.IndexOf ('(');
>+ if (parensPos > 0 && signature [signature.Length - 1] == ')') {
>+ identifier = signature.Substring (0, parensPos).Trim (wsChars);
>+ parameters = signature.Substring (parensPos + 1, signature.Length - parensPos - 2);
>+ }
>+ else {
>+ identifier = signature;
>+ parameters = String.Empty;
>+ }
>+ string alias = ds.LookupAlias (identifier);
>+ if (alias != null)
>+ identifier = alias;
>+ // Check if identifier is valid.
>+ // This check is not necessary to mark as error, but
>+ // csc specially reports CS1584 for wrong identifiers.
>+ foreach (string nameElem in identifier.Split ('.')) {
>+ if (!Tokenizer.IsValidIdentifier (nameElem) && nameElem.IndexOf ("operator") < 0) {
>+ Report.Warning (1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on '{0}' has syntactically incorrect attribute '{1}'", mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref);
>+ xref.SetAttribute ("cref", "!:" + signature);
>+ return;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ // check if parameters are valid
>+ Type [] parameterTypes = emptyParamList;
>+ if (parameters.Length > 0) {
>+ string [] paramList = parameters.Split (',');
>+ ArrayList plist = new ArrayList ();
>+ for (int i = 0; i < paramList.Length; i++) {
>+ string paramTypeName = paramList [i].Trim (wsChars);
>+ alias = ds.LookupAlias (paramTypeName);
>+ if (alias != null)
>+ paramTypeName = alias;
>+ Type paramType = FindDocumentedType (mc, paramTypeName, ds);
>+ if (paramType == null) {
>+ Report.Warning (1580, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid type for parameter '{0}' in XML comment cref attribute '{1}'", i + 1, cref);
>+ return;
>+ }
>+ plist.Add (paramType);
>+ }
>+ parameterTypes = plist.ToArray (typeof (Type)) as Type [];
>+ }
>+ Type type = FindDocumentedType (mc, identifier, ds);
>+ if (type != null) {
>+ xref.SetAttribute ("cref", "T:" + type.FullName.Replace ("+", "."));
>+ return; // a type
>+ }
>+ int period = identifier.LastIndexOf ('.');
>+ if (period > 0) {
>+ string typeName = identifier.Substring (0, period);
>+ string memberName = identifier.Substring (period + 1);
>+ type = FindDocumentedType (mc, typeName, ds);
>+ int warnResult;
>+ if (type != null) {
>+ MemberInfo mi = FindDocumentedMember (mc, type, memberName, parameterTypes, ds, out warnResult, cref);
>+ if (warnResult > 0)
>+ return;
>+ if (mi != null) {
>+ xref.SetAttribute ("cref", GetMemberDocHead (mi.MemberType) + type.FullName.Replace ("+", ".") + "." + memberName);
>+ return; // a member of a type
>+ }
>+ }
>+ }
>+ else {
>+ int warnResult;
>+ MemberInfo mi = FindDocumentedMember (mc, ds.TypeBuilder, identifier, parameterTypes, ds, out warnResult, cref);
>+ if (warnResult > 0)
>+ return;
>+ if (mi != null) {
>+ xref.SetAttribute ("cref", GetMemberDocHead (mi.MemberType) + ds.TypeBuilder.FullName.Replace ("+", ".") + "." + identifier);
>+ return; // local member name
>+ }
>+ }
>+ Report.Warning (1574, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on '{0}' has cref attribute '{1}' that could not be resolved in '{2}'.", mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref, ds.GetSignatureForError ());
>+ xref.SetAttribute ("cref", "!:" + identifier);
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Get a prefix from member type for XML documentation (used
>+ // to formalize cref target name).
>+ //
>+ static string GetMemberDocHead (MemberTypes type)
>+ {
>+ switch (type) {
>+ case MemberTypes.Constructor:
>+ case MemberTypes.Method:
>+ return "M:";
>+ case MemberTypes.Event:
>+ return "E:";
>+ case MemberTypes.Field:
>+ return "F:";
>+ case MemberTypes.NestedType:
>+ case MemberTypes.TypeInfo:
>+ return "T:";
>+ case MemberTypes.Property:
>+ return "P:";
>+ }
>+ return "!:";
>+ }
>+ // MethodCore
>+ //
>+ // Returns a string that represents the signature for this
>+ // member which should be used in XML documentation.
>+ //
>+ public static string GetMethodDocCommentName (MethodCore mc, DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ Parameter [] plist = mc.Parameters.FixedParameters;
>+ Parameter parr = mc.Parameters.ArrayParameter;
>+ string paramSpec = String.Empty;
>+ if (plist != null) {
>+ StringBuilder psb = new StringBuilder ();
>+ foreach (Parameter p in plist) {
>+ psb.Append (psb.Length != 0 ? "," : "(");
>+ psb.Append (p.ParameterType.FullName.Replace ("+", "."));
>+ }
>+ psb.Append (")");
>+ paramSpec = psb.ToString ();
>+ }
>+ else if (parr != null)
>+ paramSpec = String.Concat (
>+ "(",
>+ parr.ParameterType.FullName.Replace ("+", "."),
>+ ")");
>+ string name = mc is Constructor ? "#ctor" : mc.Name;
>+ return String.Concat (mc.DocCommentHeader, ds.Name, ".", name, paramSpec);
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Raised (and passed an XmlElement that contains the comment)
>+ // when GenerateDocComment is writing documentation expectedly.
>+ //
>+ // FIXME: with a few effort, it could be done with XmlReader,
>+ // that means removal of DOM use.
>+ //
>+ internal static void OnMethodGenerateDocComment (
>+ MethodCore mc, DeclSpace ds, XmlElement el)
>+ {
>+ Hashtable paramTags = new Hashtable ();
>+ foreach (XmlElement pelem in el.SelectNodes ("param")) {
>+ int i;
>+ string xname = pelem.GetAttribute ("name");
>+ if (xname == "")
>+ continue; // really? but MS looks doing so
>+ if (xname != "" && mc.Parameters.GetParameterByName (xname, out i) == null)
>+ Report.Warning (1572, 2, mc.Location, "XML comment on '{0}' has a 'param' tag for '{1}', but there is no such parameter.", mc.Name, xname);
>+ else if (paramTags [xname] != null)
>+ Report.Warning (1571, 2, mc.Location, "XML comment on '{0}' has a duplicate param tag for '{1}'", mc.Name, xname);
>+ paramTags [xname] = xname;
>+ }
>+ Parameter [] plist = mc.Parameters.FixedParameters;
>+ Parameter parr = mc.Parameters.ArrayParameter;
>+ if (plist != null) {
>+ foreach (Parameter p in plist) {
>+ if (paramTags.Count > 0 && paramTags [p.Name] == null)
>+ Report.Warning (1573, 4, mc.Location, "Parameter '{0}' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for '{1}' (but other parameters do)", mc.Name, p.Name);
>+ }
>+ }
>+ }
>+ // Enum
>+ public static void GenerateEnumDocComment (Enum e, DeclSpace ds)
>+ {
>+ GenerateDocComment (e, ds);
>+ foreach (string name in e.ordered_enums) {
>+ MemberCore mc = e.GetDefinition (name);
>+ GenerateDocComment (mc, e);
>+ }
>+ }
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Implements XML documentation generation.
>+ //
>+ public class Documentation
>+ {
>+ public Documentation ()
>+ {
>+ XmlDocumentation = new XmlDocument ();
>+ XmlDocumentation.PreserveWhitespace = false;
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Used to create element which helps well-formedness checking.
>+ //
>+ public XmlDocument XmlDocumentation;
>+ //
>+ // The output for XML documentation.
>+ //
>+ public XmlWriter XmlCommentOutput;
>+ //
>+ // Stores XmlDocuments that are included in XML documentation.
>+ //
>+ public Hashtable StoredDocuments = new Hashtable ();
>+ //
>+ // Outputs XML documentation comment from tokenized comments.
>+ //
>+ public bool OutputDocComment (
>+ TypeContainer root,
>+ string asmfilename,
>+ string docfilename)
>+ {
>+ XmlTextWriter w = null;
>+ try {
>+ w = new XmlTextWriter (docfilename, null);
>+ w.Indentation = 4;
>+ w.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
>+ w.WriteStartDocument ();
>+ w.WriteStartElement ("doc");
>+ w.WriteStartElement ("assembly");
>+ w.WriteStartElement ("name");
>+ w.WriteString (Path.ChangeExtension (asmfilename, null));
>+ w.WriteEndElement (); // name
>+ w.WriteEndElement (); // assembly
>+ w.WriteStartElement ("members");
>+ XmlCommentOutput = w;
>+ GenerateDocComment (root);
>+ w.WriteFullEndElement (); // members
>+ w.WriteEndElement ();
>+ w.WriteWhitespace (Environment.NewLine);
>+ w.WriteEndDocument ();
>+ return true;
>+ } catch (Exception ex) {
>+ Report.Error (1569, "Error generating XML documentation file '{0}' ('{1}')", docfilename, ex.Message);
>+ return false;
>+ } finally {
>+ if (w != null)
>+ w.Close ();
>+ }
>+ }
>+ //
>+ // Fixes full type name of each documented types/members up.
>+ //
>+ public void GenerateDocComment (TypeContainer root)
>+ {
>+ if (root.Interfaces != null)
>+ foreach (Interface i in root.Interfaces)
>+ DocUtil.GenerateTypeDocComment (i, null);
>+ foreach (TypeContainer tc in root.Types)
>+ DocUtil.GenerateTypeDocComment (tc, null);
>+ if (root.Delegates != null)
>+ foreach (Delegate d in root.Delegates)
>+ DocUtil.GenerateDocComment (d, null);
>+ if (root.Enums != null)
>+ foreach (Enum e in root.Enums)
>+ DocUtil.GenerateEnumDocComment (e, null);
>+ }
>+ }
>Property changes on: doc.cs
>Name: svn:executable
> + *
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