[Mono-devel-list] Mac OS X Bootstrap build script(s)

Andy Satori dru at druware.com
Wed Apr 28 22:16:44 EDT 2004

Alright, attached you will find 3 scripts, all of them should be run 
with sufficient rights to write to the /Library/ and /usr/ folders, so 
as per normal, read them before running them to make sure that the 
developer didn't do anything stupid (very possible, I am a Windows 
developer by day, Mac hacker by night, with only casual Unix hacking in 
the background :-)).

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mac-bootstrap.sh - downloads (if needed), builds and installs
	a fully self contained Mono installation with just the
	basics into /Library/Frameworks.  In this revision it is
	not smart enough to create all of it's directories.

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make-links-usr.sh - creates the symlinks to the bin/ tools for
	mono, including man pages, and should be run after the
	mac-bootstrap.sh is run the first time.

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Url : http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/mono-devel-list/attachments/20040428/f583a303/attachment-0001.bin 
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remove-links-usr.sh - removes the symlinks to created in
	make-links-usr.sh.  Run this and remove the framework
	from /Library/Frameworks to delete Mono.

Andy Satori - Druware Software Designs - dru at druware.com

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