[Mono-devel-list] RemotingConfiguration.Configure

Cezar Nasui cezar.nasui at polymtl.ca
Fri Oct 24 00:04:35 EDT 2003


I need to set the TypeFilterLevel to Full for a Remoting application and
I tried to use a configuration file but when I called the
RemotingConfigure.Configure("server.config") I get

> Unhandled Exception: System.NotImplementedException: The requested
>feature is not yet implemented
>in <0x0002a> System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:Configure

What is the status of this feature? 

Another method I found was to try programmaticaly to set TypeFilterLevel
to Full
for a BinaryServerFormaterSinkProvider but I get this error
>...'TypeFilterLevel.Full' could not be found...
though I add a reference to
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary and

What this could be?

The remoting application, without special configuration, returns 
with Mono :
> Connection refused 
on Windows :
> Because of security restrictions, the type
> cannot be accessed.

Reading on MSDN I found that, for security reasons, starting with 1.1
the TypeFilterLevel is set by default to Basic which allows to access of
MarshalByRefObjects of primitive types. If we want to access a custom
type we have to change the level to Full.

I use :

Mono JIT compiler version 0.28, (C) 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc.
Mono C# compiler version


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