[Mono-devel-list] RE: Please help getting Mono to work on FreeBSD 4.8

Stephen Gutknecht (RoundSparrow) Stephen at RoundSparrow.com
Wed Oct 8 21:00:55 EDT 2003

It appears that the freebsd-ports have been updated to support 0.28!

However, when trying to use jabber-net C# library, the freeBSD runtime
reports problems that neither the win32 or linux runtime reports.

This is with the exact same Mono binary (DLL / EXE) on all three platforms.
I also did the compile native on freeBSD using mcs, but that didn't help.

FreeBSD 4.8 just hangs, but freeBSD 5.1 reports this error:

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found
where an object instance was required
in (unmanaged) (wrapper managed-to-native)
in <0x00004> (wrapper managed-to-native)
in <0x000bc> System.Net.Sockets.Socket:Poll
in <0x000ec> .Worker:Connect ()
in <0x00044> (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void

Can someone make a suggestion on how to get network socket interfaces
properly matched with BSD?

  Stephen Gutknecht

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