[Mono-devel-list] Please help getting Mono to work on FreeBSD 4.8

Stephen Gutknecht (RoundSparrow) Stephen at RoundSparrow.com
Mon Oct 6 13:47:26 EDT 2003


A friend and I have spent a week trying to get Mono working on FreeBSD 4.8.
We started with CVS source... couldn't get that to compile.  The latest
ports for Freebsd is 0.24.  We spent a week trying to e-mail and IRC Elfnet
Juli Mallett (the person who did the ports in January, and is listed on mono
Team page)... no response.

So far, we haven't found a single sole on the internet who has FreeBSD 4.8
and recent Mono working.  We are getting desperate :)

We have 0.28 now and got it to compile without errors, but the mono runtime
always hangs on start (including when it attempts to compile some of the
Mono libraries).  Sometimes it goes to 100% CPU, other times it just seems
to stall.  We suspect threading libraries or other compiler switches are not
correct, but every combination we have tried has not fixed it.

Reading all we could on mailing lists, we did find a patch that seemed to
tml - and wrote Rui Lopes, but no response.

Anyone out there able to give us instructions on how to get a working
FreeBSD build?

Thank you for any help.

  Stephen Gutknecht
  currently in Redmond, Washington
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