[Mono-devel-list] Re: Monodoc bug Redux

ginga at kit.hi-ho.ne.jp ginga at kit.hi-ho.ne.jp
Sun Mar 9 21:43:56 EST 2003


> If the XmlReader fails with genuine XML, we should have a test case, and
> work from that to fix it.

I agree. Sorry to say I couldn't make monodoc nor libxslt on windows
yet and have no enough time. (Hmm... as to xslt, only I need to do is
copy rename libxslt.dll to xslt.dll and copy it to SYSTEM32, isn't it?
libxml2.dll is OK ...)

> I just noticed that Monodoc is in fact failing for most Xml documents,
> with a crash like this:

At least this XslTransform patch would be well. (It is the same
patch that I sent to Hector to try. It seems work well.)

And ecma-provider.cs... Hmm, cannot connect to anoncvs.
It is ecma-provider workaround:

-	transformed_doc.Load (transformed);
-	return transformed_doc.InnerXml;
+	XmlDocument transformed_doc = new XmlDocument ();
+	transformed_doc.LoadXml ("<dummy_root />");
+	while (!transformed.EOF) {
+		XmlNode n = transformed_doc.ReadNode (transformed);
+		if (n != null)
+			transformed_doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild (n);
+	}
+	return transformed_doc.DocumentElement.InnerXml;

  Atsushi Eno
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