[Mono-devel-list] Building from cvs

Richard Torkar richard.torkar at htu.se
Thu Jun 12 04:49:05 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 10:38, Krieg Andreas wrote:
> Hi all great mono developers...
> Sorry for that really stupid question (do we have Monday?:-)) but i'am
> trying to build now mono from cvs.
> I checked out in the morning mono, mcs and gtk-sharp, I ran the script
> mono/doc/mono-build.sh ... all went fine.

This is what I did:

cd ~
mkdir install
cd install
export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.go-mono.com:/mono
cvs co mcs mono gtk-sharp
(After a while it finishes with a bunch of errors complaining about not
being able to found some dlls)
wget https://java.thn.htu.se/~toor/misc/monocharge-20030607.tar.gz
cd install
tar zxvf ../monocharge-20030607.tar.gz
cd ..
mono/doc/mono-build.sh (it goes through everything again without
actually compiling anything, but this time it ends without an error)
Add this to your ~/.bash_profile
Add $HOME/install/install/bin to your PATH.
Add PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$HOME/install/install/lib/pkgconfig
Do a: "source ~/.bash_profile" to use the changes without logging out.
Now you have a working set up.

If you want to compile and use gtk# then just do:
cd ~/install/gtk-sharp
./autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME/install/install
make && make install

If you want to update everything then do:
cd ~/install/mcs
cvs -z3 update -Pd
make -f makefile.gnu
cd ..
cd mcs
make -f makefile.gnu install prefix=$HOME/install/install

I hope it's clear enough! :)

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