[Mono-devel-list] Installation FAQ-let.

Jonathan Pryor jonpryor at vt.edu
Wed Jul 9 14:34:04 EDT 2003

Personally, I would suggest placing the source files and binaries under
the users home directory and modifying ~/.bashrc, instead of creating a
new root directory and modifying /etc/profile.

For example, I place my mono-related files under ~/Projects/mono, and my
installation is in ~/Projects/mono/install.  The one "downside" is that
the "mono" cvs module itself has a "mono" directory, so I thus have a
~/Projects/mono/mono/mono directory... :-)

Why would I prefer this?  Two reasons.  First, you don't need to be
administrator to do this.  Secondly, if you ever re-install your system
(which I've done twice since starting my mono development), you don't
have to remember to edit the global configuration files, as .bashrc
holds all the relevant information.

 - Jon

On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 16:07, Seth J. Fogarty wrote:
> I wrote this up so other people in the project could install mono when I
> took the computer away, and cause it seemed like something I could do that
> might be useful. So here it is.
> **Begin guide**
> Installation guide: From scratch to mono.
> Seth Fogarty
> Email: sfogarty at uiuc.edu
> AIM: Sorrath
> *******************************************************************************
> This guide is designed for a Rebian system, but does NOT use an apt-get
> installation. It is for building from scratch. The only debian-specific
> section should be the appendix on necessary packages. It is heavily derived
> from an email from Ben Maurer on Jun 13, 2003, which can be found at:
> http://lists.ximian.com/archives/public/mono-devel-list/2003-June/001116.html
> I installed to the directory /jumbolike. Decide where you are going to install
> and substitute that for /jumbolike everywhere in the guide.
> *******************************************************************************
> There are four steps to installing mono:
> 1) Edit the /etc/profile or /etc/profile.d
> 2) Check out the source code.
> 3) Download a monocharge tarball.
> 4) Make and install.
> *******************************************************************************
> 1) Edit /etc/profile or /etc/profile.d.
> First thing, see if you have an /etc/profile.d. If you do, make the following
> changes to it. If you don't, modify /etc/profile instead. I just put on the
> end of /etc/profile, but Ben's instructions were:
> "In /etc/profile.d make a new .sh file:"
> The changes are:
> 	MONO_PATH=/jumbolike/install/lib
> 	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/jumbolike/install/lib
> 	PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/jumbolike/install/lib/pkgconfig
> 	PATH=$PATH:/jumbolike/install/bin
> As I said, replace /jumbolike/install as appropriate. Note you cannot use ~.
> Either reboot the computer or source the profile. Rebooting is useful so you
> don't have to source it every time you start a new shell.
> *******************************************************************************
> 2) Checkout
> Create the directory you mentioned above.  Make certain that the directory is
> chowned to some non-root account. No real reason to do this as root.
> for me, this was
> 	su
> 	mkdir /jumbolike; chown sfogarty:sfogarty /jumbolike; chmod aug+rx /jumbolike
> 	exit.
> Now check out mono, mcs, gtk-sharp, and monodoc. After you type cvs login, just hit enter for the password.
> 	export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.go-mono.com:/mono
> 	cvs login
> 	cvs -z3 co mcs mono gtk-sharp monodoc
> *******************************************************************************
> 3) Getting the monocharge
> You need the monocharge to bootstrap your system. Get the address from the irc
> channel (irc.gnome.org, #mono), the mcs/README.building file, or
> http://www.gotmono.com/sapians/jackson/. Download the latest one and tar -zxvf
> it into /jumbolike. I used monocharge-20030616, so substitute as appropriate below.
> *******************************************************************************
> 4) Building. This is pretty simple, but you have to know what has autogen and what doesn't.
> 	cd mono
> 	./autogen.sh --prefix=/jumbolike/install
> 	make; make install; cd ..
> 	cp monocharge-20030616/lib/* /jumbolike/install/lib/
> 	cp monocharge-20030616/bin/mcs.exe /jumbolike/install/bin
> 	cd mcs
> 	make; make install prefix=/jumbolike/install; cd..
> 	cd gtk-sharp
> 	./autogen.sh --prefix=/jumbolike/install
> 	make; make install; cd ..
> 	cd monodoc
> 	./autogen.sh --prefix=/jumbolike/install
> 	make; make install; cd ..
> And you should be done.
> *******************************************************************************
> Appendix: Necessary packages. Below are the packages, by name, needed in Debian. Extrapolate as needed for other distributions.
> Necessary
> 	autoconf
> 	libtool
> 	automake
> 	pkg-config
> 	libglib2-0
> 	libgtk+2-0
> Optional, for gtk-sharp:
> 	gnome-sharap: libgnome2-dev
> 	flade-sharp: libglade2-dev
> 	gda-sharp: libgda2-dev
> 	gnomedb-sharp: libgnomedb2-dev
> 	rsvg-sharp: librsvg2-dev
> **End guide**

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